William Bertwistle poor overseer Book 1785
Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 2s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 3s 0d
Hennery Green From haslenton £0 2s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 1s 6d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 2s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 2s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 1s 0d
30 Paid to Petter Levesey his Reant £2 2s 0d
Going about John Wittecer Sattlemant to for hay yeate Spend (sic) £0 0s 7d
A letter from Newchurch £0 0s 1d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 1s 0d
James Ruchton family Six m-les weak £0 1s 0d
William Peacop – writing (?) Rodger Wensley Widdow things to -ilease £0 1s 0d
£3 3s 2d
Paid in June
going to featch haghey Brown things £0 1s 0d
6 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 3s 6d
8 Paid to James Ruchton £0 1s 0d
Paid William Breandwood his house Reant paid to Catherine Wholmsley in Blackburn £1 10s 0d
Paid to Marey Smith in Preston burying her son Bearer a pint of ale £0 10s 0d
11 Paid to Bettey Calvert widdow her house Reant £1 6s 0d
14 Paid to John Wolstonham for to flet £0 16s 0d
Paid to James Ruchton £0 3s 6d
15 Mahlah Chrisley bedgown 2 1/2 yard 20 pence per yard £0 4s 2d
Malah Chrisley £0 3s 0d
Mahlah Tow yards of flaininal at 13 pence per yeard £0 2s 2d
£5 5s 0 1/2d
[This page pinned between the accounts for June and July]
The accounts of gating (sic)
James Ruchton
yeald staves [possibly heald] £0 1s 2d
Rouller strapes £0 0s 8d
Fower Rods £0 0s 4d
yeald [possibly heald] twin [or trin] and Cluhin [or Clukin] £0 1s 5d
Three Penneth of Cording £0 0s 3d
Tow Dossen of bobenes £0 0s 7d
Yealdes [Healds ?] neting and Drowing £0 2s 2d
One Lood of Coles £0 0s 8d
A Loom nife £0 0s 2 1/2d
ofar od stof £0 2s 0d
one spening Jenney £0 8s 0d
one pare of broshes £0 1s 3d
Three Naghdal (?) of Mele £0 3s 1 1/2d
Tow pare Clogs £0 1s 2d
One hand wele £0 0s 10d
ofar od stoof £0 2s 0d
one Blanket £0 3s 6d
£1 9s 10d
Paid in July
Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Being summendes by John Clatten to Clark hill £0 1s 0d
going to Blackburn to stop Wills branwood things for being sould £0 1s 0d
£0 6s 0d
Augue Paid in august
1 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 5s 0d
2 John Livesey From manchester £0 2s 0d
8 John Livesey wife sick From Manchester £0 8s 0d
11 Paid to John Clatton the first Raleff £0 1s 0d
21 Paid to John Foulds for Joseph Roberts Laid 2s per week May June July August the 21 day being sixteen weeks £1 12s 0d
Grace Baron summendes me to Clark hill going and spending £0 1s 0d
23 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
27 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
30 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
James Foreast summendes us to Carhall going and spending £0 1s 6d
£2 13s 6d
September Paid in
5 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Paid to Mathew Grimshaw the first Ralieff sick of the faver £0 5s 0d
8 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
going See Matthew Grimshaws sick of the fava £0 1s 0d
paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
25 John Green wife and Children six of the faver £0 3s 0d
£0 15s 0d
Paid in October
2 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
William Hargraves house Reant in Blackburn £1 10s 0d
3 Henry Green from heaslenton £0 5s 0d
4 James Fielden in blackburn £0 5s 0d
Chas bed for James Ruchden £0 1s 6d
12 John Calvert his house rent £1 5s 0d
Ann Grimshow her house Reant £1 5s 0d
Thomas Berthwistle a part of his house Reant £1 0s 0d
13 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
19 James Fielden in blackburn £0 4s 0d
20 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
23 Paid to John Claton £0 1s 0d
26 William Duckworth his house Reant £1 10s 0d
going to see James Fielden in blackburn £0 1s 0d
£1 13s 6d
[Insert pinned to the page]
Account of Ann Grimshaw and Expence for warrant against Benjemen Wolstenholme
one warrand £0 1s 0d
My own wage £0 1s 0d
Spend £0 0s 8d
apart 26d (?) Paid to Ann Grimshaw broght to bed £0 6s 0d
going to Clark hill with Bengemen Wolstonham spend £0 1s 2d
Caryeing men to take bengemen wolstonham with a warrand —– ——- 7 quarts £2 10s 0d
£0 15s 8d
Account of Haghey brown and Expence for warrand against Willm. Hecles November 2d
one warrand £0 4s 0d
My wage £0 1s 0d
£0 5s 0d
Paid in November
1 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
16 Paid to James Fielden £0 4s 0d
24 Paid to James Fielden £0 3s 0d
going about Dawest wife to blackburn £0 1s 6d
£0 12s 6d
Paid in December
5 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
6 James ashworth 6 yeard of Cloth Tow Shilling and eighth pence per yeard £0 16s 0d
11 Paid to James Fielden £0 4s 0d
Bought for John Ruchten Doutter in Blackburn 6 yeards of Cloth for Sheftes at eighth pence halphpenny per yeard. £0 4s 3d
25 Paid to John Foulds for Joseph Roberts lad 2s per week from 21 august to December 26 being eighteen week —- —– £1 16s 0d
Paid to henry Counleff for John Claton for house room £0 4s 6d
£3 8s 9d
Paid in January
1 Paid to James Fielden £0 5s 0d
2 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
23 Paid to James Fielden £0 2s 6d
£0 11s 6d
Paid in February
6 Paid to James Fielden £0 5s 0d
Widdow Shottleworth £0 15s 0d
Tow Nabkens for widdow Shottleworth £0 1s 0d
Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
7 3 yeards of Shearling cloth for Joseph Roberts Lad Ten pence halph peney per yeard £0 2s 1 1/2d
Making these shearts ten pence tow pence the thrad. £0 1s 0d
19 Paid to James Fielden £0 4s 0d
Paid to John Foulds for Joseph Roberts Lad 2s per week from December 26 to February 28 being Nine week. £0 18s 0d
£2 11s 1 1/2d
Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Paid to Henry Cunleff for house Rome for John Claton £0 4s 6d
3 Burying James Fielden in blackburn £0 9s 0d
9 Paid to bengemen Calvart for cureing Peghay bentey -ad £0 6s 0d
10 Paid to haghey Brown £0 2s 0d
13 Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
14 Paid to Mr James Loommax for widdow Leeman house rent £1 1s 0d
15 Paid to Thomas bentley for going to the work house with Frank Claton £0 5s 0d
Paid to henery Conleff for frank Claton 8 day meat £0 6s 0d
My own wagges and expences going to work house £0 3s 0d
Thomas Bentley and Frank Clayton expences £0 1s 6d
16 going through Claton to find a contifeet spend £0 0s 7d
Paid to haghey Brown £0 2s 0d
21 Paid to Willi Marcer for being Short in the yeare 1782 £2 5s 9d
Paid to John Marcer to rite a bill to widdow Giles at Prescot £3 3s 6d
£8 16s 10d
3 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 4s 0d
Paid to John Livesay from manchester £0 6s 0d
16 Paid to henry Conleff for house room for John Claton £0 4s 0d
17 Paid to Mahlah Chrisley £0 2s 0d
A letter loosing from Prescot £0 0s 4 1/2d
18 Paid to haghey Brown £0 2s 0d
22 Paid to haghey Brown £0 2s 0d
23 going to Darran after hadam balley £0 1s 0d
Paid to John Fouldes for Joseph Roberts Lad Tow Shilling per week From February 28 to May 1 being Nine weeks £0 18s 0d
Note publishing £0 0s 2d
Six pence for paper £0 0s 6d
£2 9s 6 1/2d
April 7d (sic) 1785 Expences on a Settlment T– Great Harwood Against Altem [Altham?]
Horse and Cart hire from Blackburn to Preston £0 6s 6d
To Expences on the road to Do. £0 1s 7d
Hors hire and expences from Preston to bell Lane to fetch hannah wittaker £1 8s 5d
to Henery wittaker going to Preston £0 3s 0d
To George Riley hors hire and expences and attendance at Preston sessions £0 18s 6d
Ann Gibson and Hannah wittaker from Preston and home again £0 6s 0d
To self four days wages and som other expences £0 6s 0d
For meat and drink at Preston and a Bill in per £2 8s 7d
A seck and Pillen carig from Preston £0 0s 3d
Paid to Henery Fort £0 6s 0d
Going to tell Henery Fort to go to Preston spend £0 0s 7d
Lorrence wholmley going to Preston £0 2s 0d
James Barran Carting gibson wife to Blackburn £0 1s 4d
£5 9s 3d
Account of all the months
Paid in May £3 3s 2d
Paid in June £5 5s 1/2d
Gating James Ruchton is £0 9s 10d
Paid in July £0 6s 0d
Paid in august £2 13s 6d
Paid in September £0 15s 0d
Paid in October £7 13s 6d
Paid in November £0 12s 6d
Paid in December £3 8s 9d
Paid in January £0 11s 6d
Paid in February £2 11s 1/2d
Paid in March £8 16s 10d
Paid in April £2 0s 6 1/2d
Expences at Preston Tart Trial £5 9s 3d
£1 0s 8d
£45 17s 1 1/2d
paid for the accountes sineing £0 5s 0d
£46 2s 1 1/2d
Recd. From Lower Town 18 Lays 2 15 0 1/2 per lay
Seen and allowed by us
Alexr. Mercer
Laurence Walmsley
Thos. Fielden
Nath. Edleston
Willm. Peacop
[Overleaf on final page is this list:]
1 Mahlah Critchley
2 James Richton
3 John Claton
4 Agness Brown
5 James Fielden
6 James Roberts son
[This pages loose in the book. States May 1785 but the sums and entries don’t appear to relate to those within the book. It may be a voucher submitted for payment for services by a single provider, but again doesn’t relate to any other amounts.]
May 23 1785 Nal. Aspden and Felden Chese and Bred ale £0 0s d
25 To Ale Jo. Shutworth £0 0s 9d
26 ? Bradshaw Thos. Hindle wife £0 0s 5d
Aspden and filden and menn £0 0s 10d
Joseph woolstenholme Edward marcer meate £0 2s 0d
Ditto to ale night and day £0 1s 7d
27 Nathan aspden Bille aspden £0 0s 7d
Thos. Hindle and Ruston wife £0 0s 5d
mills aspden gorge filden meate £0 2s 0d
Ditto to ale night and day £0 1s 7d
28 Ann Franhand and alec Baron £0 0s 6d
Jonathan Calvert and Robert Hindle meate £0 2s 0d
Ditto to ale night and day £0 1s 7d
29 John Calvert meate and ale day £0 1s 5d
30 Henery Howorth and willam woolstolom meate £0 2s 0d
Ditto to ale night and day £0 1s 7d
31 James Filden and Henery Baron meate £0 2s 0d
Ditto to ale night and day £0 1s 7d
Nathon Aspden £0 0s 6d
To Bety Hutworth meale Roome and to Bakow £0 7s 0d
To Aspden and Filden ale £0 0s 7d
To John Calverd wages £0 2s 0d
£1 13s 10d