People and Places

I’ve been looking for my family history since 1976, and wanting to know how my family fit into the history of my home town of Great Harwood in Lancashire led to a deep and abiding interest in the history of the town. Which in turn led to reams of documents of all kinds littering my home. Living now in a much smaller home most of the documents have either been transcribed or scanned; many have already been added to this site, with luck and a fair wind many more will follow.

The ‘Contents’ tab at the top of this page will take you to a menu of the main types of documents, all fairly self explanatory, but behind each menu item lies a wealth of further information. Links should open in a new window, enabling a quick return to the previous page.

There have been several published histories of the town, some of which are now out of print, but some, such as the pages on the town in the Victoria County History, are online. In the about Great Harwood section of the site (in progress!) there will be a summary of the findings of the major researchers, and basic information relating to the town. In time I hope to add a list of sources for further reading.

You can contact me via this email:

Or on Facebook: Great Harwood Genealogy and Local History Group

Town Gate