Robert Cunliffe of Banks in Harwood, Woollen weaver
Will made 11 June 1716.
Mentions wife Margaret.
Children of his brother Richard Cunliffe: Robert, Mary, Isabel, Ann and Elizabeth.
Ellen, daughter of his brother Richard Cunliffe and wife of William Roscow.
Niece Grace Walmsley.
Isabel, Margaret and Mary Brown, daughters of the late James Brown.
Robert signed.
Inventory abstract:
Inventory value £366 – 16 – 00
Purse, apparel and debts £150
Husbandry gear £4
Wool, serges, plains and shalloons £130
Check (?) yerds (?) £14
Tenters and looms £15
House goods £53 – 16 – 00
©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive