An account of Disbursment made by

Henry Smalley Overseer of the Poor

For the lower town of Harwood for the

Year 1739

Received from the Towns Poor Books £ s d
carried to 14 9 11
Disburst By monthly payments
First to John Guest i year at 4s a Month 2 12 0
remain to To the Old Clark at 4s per mon 2 12 0
To Jane Leeming at 1s 2d per Mon 0 14 0
Paid Mary Hindle 6 months at 2s per month 0 12 0
In all 6 10 0
By Charges 1739
Paid to the Old Overseer 0 5 3
Jan 1739 A shift for Old Guest 0 2 3
Charges for carrying Isobel Leeming to Preston Sessions My Self and Horse 0 7 2
Feb 1739 Paid Thomas Giles wife 0 5 0
Lent Robert Marcer 0 6 0
Spent at signing Sarah Edleston Son’s Indentures 0 0 ?
Given Jane Leeming 0 0 ?
March 1739 Paid Brindle Poor House 2 3 11
My expenses and Horse at same time 0 2 0
Given Jane Leeming 0 0 6
April 1739 Given Old Clark at 3 Several times 0 1 4
Paid toward Clothes for Ned Leeming son 0 5 1 1/2
May 1739 Paid Old Guest House Rent 0 9 0
Jane Leeming House Rent 0 6 0
Robert Marcer House Rent 0 5 0
June 1739 Given William Whalley 0 4 8
July 1739 Given Thomas Giles wife 0 9 4
Given Widdow Foster 0 10 0
Augst. 1739 Paid for Old Clark & John Leeming each a shift 0 5 9
Spent at Town Meet 0 1 0
Sep 1739 Given Thomas Smalley by order 0 3 0
Oct 1739 Given Thomas Smalley – – 0 2 0
Nov 1739 Given Thomas Smalley – – 0 2 0
By Charges in all 6 9 5
Monthly Payments 6 10 0
Both added 13 0 5
Rec’d to Balance 0 12 1
12 8 4
Recd to Balance 0 4 5
12 13 9
Seen and allowed by us
Alex’r Mercer
John Mitchell
Robert Hough