Poor Book Lower Town 1758
Disbursed by James Fielden Overseer of the poor of the lower town
Sunday May 7th 1758 £ S d
To Henry Whittaker of Padiham being removed by an order 0 1 6
To Anderton Wife 0 6 0
To Margt Giles 0 2 0
To Hindle daughter with James West Apptc. 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton of Blackburn 0 6 6
To Daniel Calvert 0 3 0
To John Leeming House Rent 0 14 0
9th Mathew Derom from Kendale 0 10 0
To Daniel Calvert House Rent 0 18 0
13th To Do 0 1 0
To Widow Morris house Rent 0 12 0
24th To Widow Haworth of Haudley 0 2 0
4 1 0
Sunday June 4th 1758
To Richd Anderton Wife 0 6 0
To Margt Giles 0 2 0
To Hindle daughter with James West 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton of Blackburn 0 6 6
To Richd Dugdale House rent in pt. 0 10 0
To Daniel Calverts Child Nurse in arrears 0 3 0
To Robert Birtwistle with Do 0 6 0
To maintaining Peter Whalley his wife and three children 3 days when removed 0 7 6
To Phebe Mercer dinner and Hindle Lass 0 0 6
To a passinger 0 0 9
2 7 3
Sunday July 2nd 1758
To James West with Hindle lass 0 5 0
To Richard Anderton wife 0 6 0
To Margt. Giles 0 2 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To maintenance for Peter Whalley Wife & children 0 1 0
1 0 6
Sunday August 6th 1758
To Robt. Birtwistle with Daniel Calvert child 0 6 0
To James West with Hindle Lass 0 5 0
To Richd. Anderton Wife 0 6 0
To Margt. Giles 0 2 0
To spent when the Town’s people meet about Mrs Smith 0 1 0
To Do. [‘at the binding of’ crossed through] about Thos. Barret app. 0 0 6
1 7 0
Sunday Sept 3 1758
To Daniel Calvert Nurse child 0 7 6
To James West with Hindle lass 0 5 0
To Anderton Wife 0 6 0
To Margt. Giles 0 2 0
1 0 6
Sunday October 1st 1758
To Anderton Wife 0 5 0
To Margt. Giles 0 2 0
To Daniel Calvert Nurse Child 0 6 0
To James West with Jane Hindle 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To maintenance for Robt. Calvert and family when removed from Haslingden 0 2 6
To paid with Thoms. Barret apprentice unto William Wilkinson 2 19 0
To expended at Binding Do 0 0 6
4 6 6
Sunday November 5th 1758
Margt. Giles 0 2 0
Anderton wife 0 5 0
Widow Morris 0 4 0
William Emet with Hindle lass 0 4 0
To Daniel Calvert Nurse child 0 7 6
To James West with Hindle lass app: 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
1 14 0
December 3rd 1758
Margt. Giles 0 2 0
Anderton Wife 0 5 0
Widow Morris 0 4 0
James West with Hindle lass app 0 5 0
To Daniel Calvert Nurse child 0 6 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To Thomas Smalley son of Henry Smalley 0 2 0
To Peter Whalley Wife 0 1 6
1 12 0
Sunday 6th January 1759 £ S d
To Widow Giles 0 2 0
To Anderton Wife 0 5 0
To James West with Hindle lass app 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To Thos. Smalley 0 4 0
1 2 6
Sunday Feby 4th 1759
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To Anderton Wife 0 5 0
To Margt. Giles 0 2 0
21st To Ann Baldwin 0 2 0
To James West with Hindle lass 0 5 0
1 0 6
Sunday March 4th 1759
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To John Baldwin shirt making 8 thread 1d 0 0 9
To James West with Hindle lass app 0 5 5
To Daniel Calvert Nurse Child 0 6 0
To Margt Giles 0 2 0
12th To Widow Anderton 0 5 0
13th To Widow Lund 2s, the bearer’s diner 2d 0 2 2
23rd To Widow Haworth at Haudley 18d 25th to Do 1 0 2 6
1 10 4
April 1759
James West 0 7 6
Anderton Wife 0 5 0
Margt Giles 0 2 0
James West with Hindle lass cash payments 0 5 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To Robert Birtwistle with Daniel child 0 6 6
To William Bentley for making Baldwin Clothes 0 2 0
To a messingers Diner from Lund Widow 0 0 2
To John Baldwin 2 week board 0 5 0
To 3 weeks more and four Days 0 5 6
To a pair of old stockings 0 0 4
Land tax for Aldred 0 0 10
To Widow Haworth of Haudley towards burying her son 0 5 6
To paid for gathering James Whittaker of Acrgton
Myself attend William Aspden and going both of us several times to Accrinton 0 3 0
2 14 10
To paid James Birtwistle for assessing Land Tax 0 3 9
To going twice to Accrington about Phebe Mercer 0 1 0
To paid for Sess. book writing in order to be signed 0 0 6
0 5 3
An abstract of each Month
May 4 1 0
June 2 7 3
July 1 0 6
Augst 1 7 0
Septr 1 0 6
Octr 4 6 6
Novr 1 14 0
Decr 1 12 0
Jany 1 2 6
Feby 1 0 6
March 1 10 5
April 2 14 10
Disbursed 23 17 0
To Higher Town Baled. 0 3 9 1/2
To assessing Land Tax 0 5 3
24 6 0 1/2
Received from the town 12 leys at 2s 6d 24 6 0
From old Dewhurst 0 10 0
From Mr Smalley 0 1 8
From Haslington Overseer 0 2 0
24 19 8
Brought Over 24 6 0 1/2
To Thos Mercer Constable 0 0 8
To James Feilden and Wm Bentley going to Sessions abut trial 0 5 0
To William Aspden for Highways being out of pocket 0 3 0
24 14 8 1/2
Due to Town 4 11 1/2
4 pence bell ringing 0 1 8
To James West 0 2 6
0 4 2 1/2
Due to Town 0 0 9
The within acct. seen and allowed by us whose names are here under written this day 30th April 1759
Edwd. Mercer
Lawrance Walmsley
Thomas Mercer
John Hoyle
Poor Book Higher Town 1758 – 59
Disbursed by me Wm Aspden Overseer of the Higher Town of Gt. Harwood the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred 58
Sunday May 7th 1758 £ S d
7 To John Briers 0 5 8
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Widow Hargreaves 0 3 0
To Henry Smith 0 5 0
To Widow Morehouse 0 6 0
To Thomas Barret Shurt makeing 0 0 6
To Anderton wife and Margt Giles House Rent 1 1 0
To the overseer of Padiam Diner when he removed Whittaker 0 0 3
To Martha Board Wages 0 4 0
To Thos Barret Do 0 5 4
To Timothy Grimshaw 0 2 0
To Rent for Shaw Houses 2 2 0
To part of John Duckworths House rent 1 1 0
To Wm Smith Do 0 16 0
To Wm Rosco Schooling 0 0 6
To Mr Shaw for advice upon Thos Barret Indentures 0 3 6
To Duckworth of Blackburn 0 1 6
19 To Danial Calvert Wifes Coffin 0 4 6
To Church dues 0 2 8
29 To James Hindle daughter towards bring her to Halifax 2d direction ? 1d 0 0 3
To James Fielden House Rents 1 0 0
8 13 8
Sunday June 4th 1758
4 To Wm Smith 0 3 0
To Widow Morehouse 0 6 0
To John Brieares 0 8 8
To Widow Hargreaves 0 3 0
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Martha Hindle Board 0 4 1
To Thos Barret Do 0 5 0
To John Duckworth Lad 0 1 6
10 To Phebe Mercer for rent to Mr Shaw 0 7 0
To Widow Hargreaves son schooling 0 0 6
16 To expended at a meeting concerning Peter Whalley 10d and Cottam 8d 0 1 6
17 To Expenses for Peter Whalley and I going to Preston 0 1 1
To Mr Shaw 5s Examination 1s Mr Ballan 3s/6d 0 9 6
To Peter Whalley to bring him to Coln 1s expenses in going to Coln myself 1s 6d to relieving Do. At Coln 1s a Beqeste from Blackey 18 0 2 6
To a copie of Peter Whalley Marriage Deed writing 0 1 0
3 3 1
Sunday July 2nd 1758
2 To John Cunliffe for shifts for Martha Hindle 0 3 0
To Widow Morehouse 0 6 0
To John Brieares 0 8 8
To Widow Hargreaves 0 3 0
To William Smith 0 3 0
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Martha Hindle Board 0 4 0
To Thos Barret Do 0 5 0
To Daniel Calvert Young child Nursing 0 6 0
11 To Peter Whalley House Rent 0 12 0
18 To Coat for one of Henry Bradshaw sons being a condition by indenture 0 7 0
22 To Thos Barret Stockings 0 0 7
3 4 3
Sunday August 6th 1758
6 To John Briears 0 8 8
To Widow Morehouse 0 6 0
To Widow Hargreaves 0 3 0
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Martha Hindle Board 0 4 0
To Barret Do 0 5 0
To Henry Shaw House Rent 0 12 0
27 To Widow Smally of Manchester 11s Spent upon the Messenger 2d 0 11 2
2 15 10
Sunday September 3rd
3 To John Briears 0 8 8
To Widow Morehouse 0 6 0
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Martha Hindle board 0 4 0
To Thos Barret Do 0 0 8
To Do at Richd. Taylors 0 2 6
To Widow Hargreaves 0 3 0
To Widow Rishton 0 6 6
To John Cunliffe for 6 yds cloth for Daniel Calvert Children Shurts 0 5 9
To 1 1/4 Yd. Bratting for Martha Hindle and Thos Barret 0 9 7 1/2
To 2 Hand Kirchieff 13d washing 2d 0 1 3
To a book for writing the yearly Assessmt. 0 1 2
To a sheeps skin for covering stays for M Barret and J Barret 0 0 9
To a pair of stockings for Do 0 0 7
13 To paid for the examination of Mary Whittaker taking out no warrant charges 0 2 0
14 To John Duckworth of Blackburn by his son 0 1 6
2 10 11
Sunday October 5th 1758
5 To John Briears 0 2 0
To Widow Morehouse 0 4 0
To Widow Hargreaves 0 2 0
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Martha Hindle Board 0 4 0
Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Hindle lass clogs to Henry Smalley 0 0 3 1/2
To caps and shifts making for Martha Hindle 0 0 9
Thos Smalley toward burying his wife 0 9 0
17 To Thos Barret Indentures 0 3 6
To William Wilkinson in part with Thos Barret apprentice 1 1 0
To paid for a letter from Thos Holden of Manchester 0 0 1
To expended in find out Robert Calvert’s Settlement by an appeal against the Township of Haslington 8 4 3
11 3 4 1/2
Sunday November 5th 1758
5 To John Haworth 0 6 0
To William Peacop with John Briears 0 6 6
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Widow Hargreaves 0 2 0
7 To cloth for shurts for John Haworth 0 4 6
To John Cunliffe for John Briears shurts 5 yds at 11d 0 4 7
1 5 7
December Sunday 3 1758
3rd To John Briears 0 6 6
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Widow Hargreaves 0 2 0
To Wm Emet with Hindle lass 0 4 0
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Thomas Smalley 0 4 0
9th To Mr Shaw for two Commands Examination and Advice of and concerning William Oldham the Elder and William Oldham the younger 0 7 0
To each of them with the sumones 1s 0 2 0
To expenses in going with them to Preston 0 2 0
11th To John Cunliffe for Widow Rishtons shifts 6yds At 8d and thred 1d 11/2 0 4 1 1/2
Making 8d up John Briears shurts making 7d 0 1 3
To Anderton wife in part towards a Blanket 0 2 6
2 3 4 1/2
Sunday January 7th 1759
To Widow Hargreaves 0 2 0
To John Briears 0 6 6
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Widow Morris 0 4 0
To William Emet with Hindle lass 0 4 0
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Richard Ramsbottom 0 2 6
To Robert Birtwistle with Daniel Calvert Nurs child 0 7 6
To James Haworth for old Jess shurts making and cloth 0 1 0
3rd To a letter from Crackpott 0 0 5
30th To Do from Crackpott 0 0 5
To putting a letter in to the post office to go to Crackpott 0 0 1
To John Haworth Clogs and Clogging 0 0 5
1 16 1
Sunday February 4th 1759
4th To John Haworth 0 6 0
To John Briears 0 6 6
To Widow Morris 0 4 0
To Wm Emet with Hindle lass 0 4 0
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Thos Smalley 0 5 0
To Daniel Calvert child 0 6 0
To Richd. Ramsbottom 0 2 6
To Ann Baldwin by John Hoyle at Ann Baldwin burial 0 2 0
To drink at Lawr. Walmsleys 20d at William Hindles 12d at Hoyles 15d 0 3 11
To Bread 16 1/2d church dues 2s 10d 0 4 2 1/2
To winding sheet 12d Coffin 4s 6d 0 5 6
To Roger Morris & Roger Fielding for waiting upon her 0 2 6
23rd To publishing Sess. book 0 0 2
To paid for Sess. book signing 0 2 0
26th To expenses in seeking out concerning Jeremiah Wolstenholme settlement for my self and John Sudel 0 1 6
To writing a copie of James Burton Certificate and putting the same in to the Chest the original being in the Widow hand 0 0 6
28th To Widow Haworth of Haudley her son being sick 0 2 0
3 0 3 1/2
March 3rd 1759
3rd To John Briears 0 6 6
To Richd Ramsbottom daughters diner 0 0 2
To John Baldwin Shurts 3 1/2yds at 10 1/2d 0 3 0 1/2
To John Haworth 0 6 0
To Thos Smalley child board 0 5 0
To Widow Morris 0 4 0
To Hindle las board with Wm Emet 0 4 0
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Thos Haworth widow at Haudley 0 2 0
To Thos Brewer for cloths for Ann Baldwin sonp. bill 0 8 4
To Thos Carter for Breeches 0 2 6
1/2 yd of canvas for pockets for Do 0 0 3 1/2
To a Letter from Crackpott 6d to one going 1d 0 0 2
To Mary and Eliz: Whalley poor women in the North 1 0 0
To expended upon the officer of excise at Whalley to assist me concerning the said Women in the North 0 0 4
3 4 9
April 1759
1st To John Briears 0 6 6
To Widow Morris 0 4 0
To John Hawoprth 0 6 0
To Wm Emet with Hindle daughter 0 3 0
To Isable Robertshaw 0 2 0
To Thomas Smalley child board 0 5 0
Quire of paper 0 1 0
To John Baldwin new shoes 0 3 9
To Widow Haworth at Haudley 0 2 6
Expended with the overseer of Manchester at Harwood 0 0 4
To John Calvert for going to Accrington and bringing Elen Whalley and one nights lodging and Meal 0 1 0
8th To Henry Whittaker of Padiam 0 2 ?
To a pair of stockins for John Baldwin 0 1 1
9th To a letter from Crackpot 5d one to Do 1d 0 0 6
To a Do from Manchester concerning William Smalley by Blackburn 0 0 2
To paid Widow Peacop for the use of stock cards for John Haworth 0 0 6
12th To expenses at bargaining and binding John Baldwin apprentice 0 1 8
To money given and the master at the expence of Indentures and allowing by the Justices 2 0 0
To paid a messenger for going to Henburn Bridge about Elen Whalley 0 0 2
13th To paid church dues for John Haworth from Haudley 0 2 8
To the hurst by receipt pd. Peter Nevil 0 2 3
To Driver 0 1 0
To Widow Haworth 0 1 0
To Coffin 0 5 0
21st To a pair of clogs for Hindle daughter at Wm Emets 0 0 9
To a summons for Wm Aspden for his taxes from 2 Justices 0 1 0
23rd Expenses in going to Manchester and at Manchester about Wm Smalley 0 3 0
Wages for going 0 3 0
To pd Mr Cottam for summons and examination for Clough 0 2 0
Expences at bout him 0 0 6
To Expences when we took James Whittaker with a Woman for begetting a Bastard Child of the Body of Alice Whalley 0 1 0
5 4 4
Disburst upon the Constable Acct. by Wm Aspden
£ S d
17 May To door watch 0 0 1
22 May To assessing Land and window Tax 0 3 6
To a second time the Instruction not being wholly carrid. Out 0 3 0
Door watch 0 0 1
29 May To Higher Towns part of a precept 10:1:11 6 14 8
27 June To passingers 0 0 6
1 Aug To return to the assize 2s precept and recpt. 4d 0 2 4
19 Sept To a Sunday Warrant 0 2 1
5 Oct Over charged in the windows 0 1 0
26 Nov To a Precept 0 3 1/2
14 Nov To a passinger 0 0 6
25 Nov To Do 2 sailors 0 0 6
3 Dec To 2 salors 0 0 4
26 Dec To a sailor one night lodging Hoyles 0 0 8
4 Jany 2 Warrants 0 6 1
6 Feby To a passenger of the invalid from Inverness to Winsor Lodging 0 0 8
13 March To return for the assize precept. and recpt. 0 2 4
25 March To an overcharge in the windows 0 1 0
To expences in attending all sessions publich and private 0 2 6
To writing warrant and examination for Whittaker their being no Justice Clerk, or had comd. without 0 0 6
To Tho Mercer to Balld. with Lower Town 4 5
8 9 10 1/2
Disburst upon the Church Warden Ship by me Wm. Aspden 1758
£ S d
To wine 2 gallons & carriage 0 13 4
To 1 day visiting James Foster 0 1 0
To painting font 0 1 6
To Expences upon several occations. 0 0 4
8 Dec To paid William Bradshaw & Thomas each 3 days wages and a half for makeing and hanging the gate 0 8 6
To one day work repairing in the inside of the Church 0 2 6
To expenses 0 0 8
9 Dec To New Almanack 0 0 6
11 Dec To John Haworth for 11 1/2d Hangings for gate at 4d 0 3 10
To Do for 2? Lead 0 0 4
27 Jan To 2 gallons of wine & carriage 0 13 4
28 Jan To paid John Smalley for colour for colouring and carriage the gates 0 3 0
28 Jan To colouring 0 1 6
20 Feb To a New Bell rope 0 5 0
16 Mar To William Hindle for ringing 3s/6d to surplus washing 4d 0 7 0
3 2 4
In list each of each Monthly Paymt
Of the poor [Higher Town]
£ S d
May 8 13 8
June 3 3 1
July 3 4 3
Augst 2 15 10
Septr 2 10 11 1/2
October 11 3 4 1/2
Novr 1 5 7
Decr 2 3 9 1/2
Jany 1 16 5
Feby 3 0 3 1/2
March 3 4 9
April 5 4 4
Disbursed upon the poor 48 6 4
Do Constable 8 9 10 1/2
Do Supervisor 6 7 6
The overseer wages 4 0 0
67 3 8 1/2
Recd in all 65 8 2 1/2
Town due to me 1 15 6
Paid at town meeting 0 3 4
To my wages going ? days at ????? 0 2 6
Town due to the expenses 2 1 4
Seen and allowed this 30th Day of April 1759 by
Us whose names are here under written
Alexr Mercer
John Hindle
Wm Bentley