Overseer’s Accts. For the Higher Town of Great Harwood for the year 1777
April 27th
Paid Widow Baron £1 6s 0d
28th Paid Abram Shaw £0 10s 0d
£1 16s 0d
Paid in May
4th Paid William Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Jerimiah Broughton’s wife £0 2s 0d
5th Paid Henry Whittaker £0 8s 0d
Paid for fetching Henry Whittaker from Padiham man and horse £0 2s 0d
14th Paid Alice Duckworth £0 3s 0d
21st Paid Alice Duckworth £0 2s 0d
27th Paid Alice Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
29th Paid for Expences of Wm. Turner to Haslinden when Rilay’s son was Bound £0 3s 0d
30th Paid Rilay’s Son’s Master £7 5s 0d
Paid Thomas Smalley of Liverpool £0 12s 0d
£11 7s 0d
Paid in June
1st Paid Henry Whittaker £0 6s 0d
6th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith’s Rent £1 0s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow’s Rent £2 10s 0d
11th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Thos. Smalley of Liverpool £0 12s 0d
18th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid John Shuttleworth £0 4s 0d
25th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Peter Brinnand for 7 weeks meat for Rilay’s son £0 14s 0d
27th Widow Baron Rent £1 5s 0d
30th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Henry Whittakers Shirts and making £10 7s -d
Paid in July
6th Paid Henry Whittaker £0 6s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
11th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
12th Paid Willm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 15s 0d
Expences at Private Sessions at Blackburn £0 1s 4d
17th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 4s 0d
Paid Richard Mercer in the Fylde £0 6s 0d
22nd Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth rent £0 15s 0d
29th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
£5 7s 4d
Paid in August
3rd Paid Henry Whittaker £0 6s 0d
Paid Martha Anderton for 13 weeks £0 8s 8d
4th Paid Abraham Shaw for July and Augt. £1 0s 0d
5th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 5s 0d
Paid Henry Whittiker £0 1s 6d
6th Paid Widow Smith £0 12s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
24th Paid Doc.t Whitworth for Widow Duckworth £0 3s 0d
Paid for Rich.d Mercer Shirts in the Fylde £0 6s 5d
26th Paid Widow Duckworth for 4 weeks £0 12s 6d
Paid Widow Baron for Widow Duckworths Child for 4 Weeks £0 8s 0d
Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Henry Whtteker for cloth for Waistcoate Breeches and Stockings for Making £0 2s -d
£6 -s -d
Paid in September
2nd Paid Thos. Smalley for Aug.t and Sepr. £1 4s 0d
7th Paid Henry Whiteker for 5 Weeks £0 7s 6d
Paid Widow Smith for 5 Weeks £0 15s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
9th Paid Widow Duckworth £0 6s 0d
Paid for Widow Duckworth Child £0 4s 0d
19th Paid for Widow Duckworth Burial £0 11s 0d
and for two Weeks Board £0 8s 0d
30th Paid for Widow Duckworth Child 3 Weeks £0 6s 0d
£5 11s 6d
Paid in October
5th Paid Henry Whittiker £0 6s 0d
Paid to Wm. Aspden for Rylays Child Indentures £0 5s 6d
Paid Widow Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
9th Paid Richd. Mercer Fylde £1 6s 0d
12th Paid Martha Anderton for 9 Weeks £0 6s 0d
14th Paid Widow Duckworths Child £0 4s 0d
22nd Paid Widow Shuttleworths Rent £0 17s 6d
26th Paid Widow Duckworths Child for 5 Weeks £0 7s 6d
31st Paid To Widow Duckworths Child for 3 Weeks £0 7s 6d
£6 5s -d
Paid in November
1st Paid To Henry Whittiker £0 7s 6d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 12s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
23rd Paid for Widow Duckworths Child Shoes £0 1s 3d
26th Paid for Stays for Widow Duckworth Child £0 1s 6d
29th Paid Widow Smiths Rent £0 15s 0d
£4 7s 3d
Paid in December
7th Paid to Henry Whittiker £0 7s 6d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
21st Paid Marths Anderton for 10 Weeks £0 6s 8d
24th Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 2s 0d
To a Summons £0 1s 0d
£3 2s 2d
Paid in January 1778
4th Paid Henry Whittiker £0 6s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworths Child for 10 Weeks £0 15s 0d
16th Paid Richd. Mercer in the Fylde £0 12s 6d
17th Paid To Widow Duckworth Child for Shirts Caps and Brats with their Making £0 4s 2d
26th Paid Ann Baron for Widow Duckworths for 12 Weeks £1 10s 0d
27th Paid Edward Smith of Preston £0 2s 6d
31st Paid Edwd. Smith Wife £0 1s 6d
Paid for the Man’s Meat and Drink who cme with a summons from Preston £0 0s 9d
£6 17s 5d
Paid in February
1st Paid Henry Whittiker £0 6s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 12s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Thos. Royston’s wife £0 5s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworths Child for 4 Weeks £0 6s 0d
7th Paid Edwd. Smith Wife £0 0s 6d
12th Paid Widow Smith when She came from Preston £0 0s 9d
16th Paid To the Tennant at Whittles £0 14s 7d
Paid to Widow Shuttleworth £0 10s 0d
22nd Paid to Widow Duckworts Child £0 10s 0d
26th Paid may Whalley of Colne £3 14s 0d
To two Letters £0 0s 5d
£8 -s -d
Paid in March
1st Paid for Widow Duckworths Child 4 Weeks £0 6s 0d
Paid Martha Anderton for 10 Weeks £0 6s 8d
Paid Henry Whittiker £0 6s 0d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 18s 0d
Paid to a Note Publishing £0 0s 2d
Paid Daniel Calvert £0 7s 6d
2nd Paid for relief of Widow Duckworth £0 1s 8d
14th Paid Daniel Calvert £0 5s 0d
17th Paid To a Towns Meeting Ale £0 2s 0d
Paid for publishing the above meeting £0 0s 2d
22nd Paid to Widow Duckwroth child 3 weeks £0 4s 6d
29 Paid to Do other child for 5 weeks £0 15s 0d
£4 19s 8d
Paid in April
5th Paid Henry Whittaker £0 7s 6d
Paid Alice Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 15s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Mary Brogden for John Bradshaws child £0 7s 0d
Paid Daniel Calvert £0 2s 0d
10th Paid Widow Shuttleworth £0 1s 6d
19th Paid Widow Duckworths Child for 4 Weeks £0 6s 0d
Paid Dr. Hall for Widow Duckworth £0 5s 9d
22nd Paid to marriage of Martha Duckworth £2 4s 0d
25th Paid Adam Shuttleworth £0 3s 0d
26th Paid Ann Baron for Widow Duckworths child 4 Weeks £0 12s 0d
30th Paid Richd. Mercer in the Fylde £1 12s 6d
£7 16s 3d
Recd. 15 Leys at £4 19s 11 1/2 per – which is £74 19s 4 1/2d
Also recd. of Thos. Royston £1 6s 9d
Do. Recd. for Widow Duckworth Household Goods £1 18s 7d
Do. Recd. for Tythe for the year 1776 £2 3s 2d
Do. Recd. for Tythe for the year 1777 £0 10s 0d
£80 18s 9 1/2d
Total Paid on all Accts. £82 13s 5d
Recd. in the whole £80 18s 9 1/2d
Due to me in the balance £1 14s 7 1/2d
1777 Paid in April £1 16s 0d
Paid in May £11 7s 0d
Paid in June £10 7s 11d
Paid in July £5 7s 4d
Paid in August £6 1s 6d
Paid in September £5 11s 6d
Paid in October £6 5s 0d
Paid in November £4 7s 3d
Paid in December £3 2s 2d
1778 Paid in January £6 17s 9d
Paid in February £8 3s 3d
Paid in March £4 19s 8d
Paid in April £7 16s 3d
Paid in All £82 1s 4d
Paid after to Balance with Wm. Bentley £0 8s 9d
And to Ale when the Accts. Was Settled £0 3s 4d
Total £82 13s 5d
Seen and allowed by us this 7th Day of May 1778
John Mercer
John Hindle his mark
John Mercer
Lawrence Walmsley
Jonathan Calvert