The Poor Book of The Higher Town of Great Harwood 1778
Paid in April 1778
29 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
30 Paid Widow Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Mary Smith £0 4s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
£1 5s 0d
Paid in May
3rd Paid Adam Shuttleworth £0 3s 0d
Paid Henry Whittiker £0 10s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 3s 0d
5th Paid John Bradshaw Rent £0 10s 6d
7th Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
Paid Adam Shuttleworth £0 4s 0d
10 Paid Wm. Brandwood wife £0 5s 0d
12 {aod Adam Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
14 A Bottle of Wine for Jeremiah Broughton £0 1s 0d
15 Paid Widow Shuttleworth £0 3s 0d
16 Paid to the Overseers of Preston £0 7s 6d
Paid Widow Smith £0 6s 0d
17 Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 12s 0d
20 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 2s 0d
25 Paid Ann Baron Rent £1 5s 0d
9th Paid the Post Boy 1s and spent 7d £0 1s 7d
26th Paid for a waistcoat for Richard Mercer £0 8s 6d
27th Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
30th Paid Widow Smith £0 9s 0d
Paid Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
31st Paid widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
Paid Fielden Rent £0 17s 6d
£8 8s 5d
Paid in June
5th Paid Thos. Smalley £0 12s 0d
7th Paid Henry Whittiker £0 8s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
10 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 2s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth Rent £0 4s 3d
12 Paid for Widow Duckworth Child £0 9s 0d
14 Paid Daniel Calvert Rent £1 5s 0d
17 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
Paid for the Burial of Jeremy Broughton to the Revrend Mr Elleray Wm. Hindle £0 3s 2d
20 Paid Widow Smith £0 6s 0d
23 Paid Ambrose Peacop for Jeremy Broughton £3 7s 3d
for Bread and bacco £0 1s 2d
Paid at Cock for James Ashworth £0 2s 2d
Paid Thos. Hindle for going to Stannin £0 1s 6d
24 Paid Widow Calvert rent £1 6s 0d
28 Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
Paid Henry Whitker Junior £0 6s 0d
30 Spent over a meeting £0 1s 2d
£9 11s 8d
Paid in July
1st Paid Adam Shuttleworth £1 10s 0d
Paid for a Flitting £0 3s 0d
4th Paid Widow Smith Rent £1 0s 0d
Paid Mary Smith Rent £1 15s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow Rent £1 15s 0d
Paid Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 9s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
5 Paid Henry Whittiker £0 8s 0d
Paid for Widow Duckworth Child £0 9s 0d
6 Paid for widow Shuttleworth £1 4s 4d
Paid Do. For Rent £0 17s 0d
Paid To a Chaff bed for Tamar Ashworth £0 6s 4 1.2d
10 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
12 For going to Blackburn £0 1s 6d
16 Paid Richard Mercer Fild £1 12s 6d
Paid Widow Smith £0 8s 0d
19 Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 4s 6d
26 Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 2s 3d
£14 5s 8 1/2d
Paid in August
1st Paid Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 6s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
2nd Paid widow Smith £0 2s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
3rd Paid Henry Whittiker £0 8s 0d
8th Paid Peter Whalley £0 1s 4d
9th Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 1s 0d
A pair of bedstocks and cords for James Rishton wife £0 4s 2d
10th Paid widow Duckworth child £0 3s 0d
15th Paid Wm. Duckworth £1 0s 0d
Paid widow Duckworth child £0 2s 6d
22 Paid Thomas Smalley £1 4s 0d
Paid widow Duckworth Child £0 12s 0d
27 Paid widow Shuttleworth £0 10s 6d
Paid James Ashworth £0 14s 3 1/2d
£6 18s 9 1/2d
Paid in September
1st Paid Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Widow Smith £0 9s 0d
Paid Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
6th Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 7s 6d
Paid Thos. Smalley £0 5s 0d
To a Noat £0 0s 3d
9th Paid Betty Shuttleworth £0 3s 8d
11th Paid Richd. Mercer for Shirts £0 7s 11d
5th Paid Henry Whittaker £0 10s 0d
19th Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 12s 0d
28th Paid Roger Wensley Rent £1 1s 3d
To Wm. Duckworth Repairs £0 8s 4d
To Adam Shuttleworth £2 16s 7d
To Wm Aspden £0 6s 10d
£8 17s 10d
Paid in October
4 Payd Marey Smith £0 16s 0d
Paid Henery Whitacer £0 8s 0d
Paid Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Paid Widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
Paid John Mercer £0 3s 0d
8 Paid Richard Mercer Fild £1 12s 6d
Paid Shorts for Britches makin £0 2s 0d
Paid Marey Smith Rent £2 0s 0d
Paid Wm. Rosco £0 4s 0d
11 Paid widow Duckworth Child £0 9s 0d
18 Paid Henery Whitacer Junr. £0 5s 0d
£6 15s 6d
Novr. 1st 1778
Widow Giles £0 4s 0d
Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Henry Whittacar £0 8s 0d
Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Willm. Roskay £0 4s 0d
Widow Smith £1 7s 0d
8 Do Widow Duckworth Child £0 14s 6d
11 Do Brandwood wife Rent £1 3s 0d
14 Do Widow Smith £0 1s 0d
15 Do to Widow Duckworth Child £0 9s 0d
26 Do Widow Shuttleworth £0 10s 6d
29 Wdiwo Duckworth Child £0 3s 0d
£6 10s 0d
Paid Decr. 6 1778
Henry Whittiker £0 10s 0d
Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Wm. Roskay £0 4s 0d
Widow Dockworth £0 18s 0d
7 To the burial of Widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
19 Widow Smith £0 1s 0d
20 Peter Whaley £0 4s 0d
Thos Smaley £1 3s 0d
31 To Brandwood wife Cote £0 6s 6d
Widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
£5 4s 6d
Feby 7 1779
John Mercer £0 5s 0d
Thomas Ruchton £0 2s 0d
Widow Smith £1 12s 6d
Henry Whittiker £0 10s 0d
Abraham Shaw £0 10s 0d
Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
Wm. Roscow £0 4s 0d
Nickelos Dawson £1 0s 0d
Widow Shuctchelworth £1 5s 6d
Richard Duckworth £3 13s 6d
Thomas Smaley £0 10s 0d
Thomas Royston £0 3s 0d
28 Do. Widow Duckworth Child £0 6s 0d
£10 17s 6d
March 1st 1779
Abraham Shaw £0 12s 0d
Thomas Ruchton £0 4s 0d
Henry Wittiker £0 8s 0d
Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
William Roscow £0 4s 0d
Thomas Smaley £0 10s 0d
Do. Widow Duckworth 4 Weeks £0 6s 0d
To 3 Brats making for Widow Duckworth £0 0s 4 1/2d
£3 0s 4 1/2d
April 4th 1779
Henry Whittiker £0 8s 0d
Abraham Shaw £0 12s 0d
Thomas Ruchton £0 6s 0d
Mary Smith £0 16s 0d
William Roscow £0 4s 0d
Thomas Smaley £0 10s 0d
John Mercer £0 2s 0d
Robert Sharples £1 15s 0d
Richard Mercer £1 13s 6d
Bettey Shuttleworth £0 1s 6d
Paid Dr. Paicherd for Molly Smiths Child £0 16s -d
Thomas Giles £0 4s 0d
18 To Widow Duckworth Child £0 4s 6d
Peter Green son £0 5s 0d
24th Widow Smith £1 12s 6d
25 Do. Widow Shuttleworth £0 18s 0d
Ann Ramsbotam £0 6s 8d
26 Peter Green son £0 6s 0d
To a Note Publishing £0 0s 2d
To John Mercer Wife £0 1s 0d
To Henry Whitaker waiscote £0 2s 6d
Paid to Thos. Royston for Martha Anderton £0 16s 0d
Paid to the Woman at Warrington for 18 weeks £1 7s 0d
£13 2s 4d
The Constable Book
May 1st For swairing in at Praston £0 1s 0d
May 29 For order of the Lancess and window money £0 3s 3d
June 10th Paid to a precept £11 11s 5d
June 25 For going to Stannin with Martha Whittiker and Expences £0 4s 6d
June 29th To Sunday warrant and Door tenter £0 2s 3d
July 12 To a noat £0 0s 2d
August 19 To a precept £3 13s 3d
September 11 To a Sunday warrant £0 2s 3d
September 21 paid Wm. Hindle £1 6s 8d
October 8 A return to the High Constable £0 2s 0d
October 23 Instructions To Supervisors £0 2s 9d
September 4 Paid to a precept £3 10s 8d
December 17th Paid Doar tenter £0 0s 2d
January 12 1779 Paid Doar tenter £0 0s 6d
January 25th Paid Doar tenter £0 0s 2d
January 28th Paid to John Stivenson £2 10s 0d
For Loting (?) of Militia £0 5s 0d
March 3 Paid to a precept £7 12s 0d
for Receiving Mr Pearson Landcess £0 5s 0d
March 12 Paid Doar tenter £0 0s 2d
Paid for going A Pressing £0 0s 4d
I Paid to a Sonda Warrand [Sunday Warrant] £0 2s 3d
April 6th To a Constable warrant £0 2s 3d
To a overseer a P- – -ntment £0 2s 8d
April 8 Doar tenter £0 0s 0d
£32 0s 10d
Brought forward £32 0s 10d
Recd. of the Old Constable £1 1s 3 1/2d
Dispursed £30 19s 6 1/2d
Dispurseed on the poor Account £101 8s 9 1/2d
Dispursement in both £132 8s 4d
To 6 Constable Lays £29 19s 9d
To 21 Poor Lays £104 19s 1 1/2d
Total for both Lays £134 18s 10 1/2d
dispursement in Both £132 8s 4d
In hand £2 10s 6 1/2d
Paid to Thos. Hindle £9 1s 2d
In hand £2 1s 5d
£1 4s 0d
In hand £0 17s 5d
Spent £0 4s 8d
Due to Mr. Mercer £0 12s 9d
April 29th 1779
Seen and alowed by us
Thomas Mercer
George –awlen
Robert Cross
John Hindle his mark
Paid in April 1778 £1 5s 0d
Paid in May £8 8s 5d
Paid in June £9 11s 8d
Paid in July £14 5s 8 1/2d
Paid in August £6 18s 9 1/2d
Paid in September £8 17s 0d
Paid in October £6 15s 6d
Paid in November £6 10s 0d
Paid in December £5 4s 6d
Paid in January £6 11s 2d
Paid in February £10 17s 6d
Paid in March £3 0s 4 1/2d
£13 2s 4d
Dispursed for the Poor £101 8s 9 1/2d
£0 9s 1 1/2d
£101 17s 11d