John Brigg [indecipherable]
The Accts. of John Mercer Overseer of the poor from May 1784 up until May 1785.
Town Overseer to John Mercer Last yeare £3 11s 7 1/2d
Sunday May 2d 1784
To Ann Holcare this Month £0 12s 0d
To Hester Whalley Colnn do. £0 4s 0d
To Widow Leeming do. £0 4s 0d
To Peggy Bentley do. £0 2s 0d
To Wid. Whenslae DO. £0 4s 0d
To Betty Ashworth do. £0 2s 0d
To Old Robert Baron do. £0 8s 0d
To Ann Rambotham do. £0 4s 0d
23 To Widow Whenslae house rent £1 5s 0d
25 To James Rishton badly £0 5s 0d
Journey to Carr Hall with Sall Bookins to answer a summons £0 1s 6d
30 To Sall Bookings husband Lame first relief £0 6s 0d
To Peter Whalley 7 yds Linn Cloth for smoke at 10d per yd is 5s 10d to thread and making 16d £0 7s 2d
Note publishing to a meeting £0 0s 2d
Disburst this month £4 4s 10d
Sunday June 6th 1784
To Widow Leeming this month £0 4s 0d
To Peggy Bentley this month sick £0 4s 0d
Ann Holcare do. £0 12s 0d
To Old Robert Baron do. £0 8s 0d
To Wm. Dawson 2 mos. At 3s per wk. £1 4s 0d
To Wid. Whenslae do. £0 3s 0d
To Betty Ashworth do. £0 2s 0d
To Sall Booking lame £0 4s 0d
7 To Wid. Whenslae 3 baskets coals at 4d per £0 1s 0d
To fliting Peggy Bently from Green Cliff to Lower Town £0 0s 6d
To Postage of Letter from Rosendale £0 0s 2 1/2d
9 To horse hire and expences to Do. £0 3s 6d
To Work House rent £2 10s 0d
To Governess of work house for waiting on Dawson when Lame £0 2s 0d
To Pegg Bently Lame £0 1s 0d
To Ann Ramsbottom Bastard child Mo. £0 4s 0d
16 To Henry Green sick family £0 4s 0d
To Sall Bockings husband Lame £0 4s 0d
19 To Horse hire and expences to P—- £0 3s 6d
To Wid. Smith Children badly £0 5s 0d
To Mrs. Watson for Wid. Smith House rent £2 0s 0d
25 Wid. Shuttleworth House rent £0 17s 6d
Sall Bookings husband £0 5s 0d
To Expences at a private session and Door tenter £0 1s 6d
To assessment signing and publishing £0 2s 6d
27 To Mr. Butler for two Wid. Smith family 7s at 3s per £1 1s 0d
Disbursed this Mo. £11 7s 2 1/2d
Sunday July 4th 1784
To Ann Ramsbottom Bastard child this Mo. £0 4s -d
To Peter Whally Colnn £0 4s -d
To Peggy Bently £0 3s -d
To Old Robert Baron £0 8s -d
To Ann Holcare £0 12s -d
To Wid. Whensloe £0 3s -d
To Betty Ashworth £0 0s -d
To Mary Giles Pickup Bank 3 mo. At 6s £0 18s 0d
To 6 yds. Pinnfore smocks at 10d per £0 5s -d
To Sall Bockings husband £0 4s 0d
To Wid. Leeming this month £0 4s 0d
To Wm. Dawson this Month £0 12s 0d
15 To Old Wid. Smith House rent £1 1s 0d
16 To James Forest Lame £0 4s 6d
20 To John Green from Haslington £0 5s 0d
28 To James Forest Mrs. Shuttleworth and Clayton order fulfild. £0 4s 6d
Disbursted this Mo. £5 14s 6d
Sunday Augst 1st 1784
To Ann Ramsbottom Bastard £0 5s 0d
To Wid. Leeming this Month £0 4s 0d
Peggy Bently Do. £0 2s 0d
Ann Holcar do. £0 12s 0d
Old Robert Baron Do. £0 8s 0d
Wid. Whensloe Do. £0 3s 0d
Betty Ashworth Do. £0 2s 0d
To Peter Whally Do. £0 4s 0d
Poastage of a Letter from Man. £0 0s 3d
9 To James Ashworth House rent £1 10s 0d
To Wm. Dawson this Mo. £0 12s 0d
18 To James Ashworth Badly £0 2s 6d
To John Green House rent £1 11s 6d
30 To James Ishworth Badly £0 3s 0d
£5 19s 3 1/2d
[The condition of the document deteriorates from this month.]
Sunday September 5 1784
To Ann Ramsbottom Bastard child this Mo. £0 -s -d
To Wid. Leeming Do. £0 -s -d
To Peggy Bently Do. £0 -s -d
Betty Ashworth Do. £0 -s -d
Widow Whensloe Do. £0 -s -d
Old Robt. Baron Do. £0 8s -d
Ann Holcar do. £0 12s -d
James Ashworth badly £0 2s -d
Wm. Dawson this month £0 12s -d
18 To Expences and Door tenter at a private session £0 -s -d
Journey to Carr Hall with James Forrest to Answer a summons concerning Dr. Wilkinson Bill £0 1s -d
To Peter Whally Colnn this Month £0 4s -d
24 Towards Richd. Whitackere House Rent £1 1s -d
Journey to Rossendale workhouse with Peggy Bently £0 3s -d
26 To Peter Whalley Colnn House rent £1 5s -d
28 To John Mercer Banks House rent £2 2s -d
Disbursed this Mo. £7 7s -d
Sunday November 7th 1784
To Ann Ramsbottom this Month £0 5s 0d
Wm. Dawson Do. £0 12s 0d
Wid. Whensly Do. £0 3s 0d
Betty Ashworth Do. £0 2s 0d
Robt. Baron Do. £0 8s 0d
Wid. Leeming Do. £0 4s 0d
Part of Dr. Wilkinson Bill for James Forest as per order of Mr. Clayton £2 6s 0d
To the above Dr. for part of his Bill for old Miller son Badly in a feaver 13w and Wife brought in Bed of two Children £2 0s 0d
19th John Green wife from haslington husband and Children sick
24th Journey to Blackburn to see James Green and with both sick £- 5s 8d
[Illegible] child boath sick £0 -s -d
Disbursed this Mo. £7 7s 6d
Sunday December 5 1784
To Widow Leeming this Month £0 -s -d
Ann Ramsbottom Do. £0 -s -d
Wm Dawson Do. £0 1s -d
Widow Whensly Do. £- -s -d
Betty Ashworth Do. £0 -s -d
Robert Baron Do. £0 -s -d
Widow Shuttleworth 6w at 2s 6d per £0 15s -d
6th Journey to Altham and Accrington concerning Gibson Settlement Expences and my wage 1s £0 1s -d
10 John Green from haslington lame £0 5s -d
15 Journey to Blackburn in order to take Henry Fort examination before Mr. Cover on Acct. of Gibsons Settlement Expences 1s 6d my wasge 1s. £0 2s -d
Ann ramsbotton and Child yet sick £- 4s -d
[Page torn – continues with:]
of 900 L and upward. The Justices of the peace at there Quarter Sessions holden at Manchester Granted him a permisition to go from Town to Town. John Mercer at Squires witness by
20 Journey to Blackburn to Inspect the duplicate –Acct. of Gibson [illegible]expences 6d my Wage 1s £- -s -d
John Mercer Banks Wife Badly £- -s -d
Journey to Carr Hall thinking to get [illegible] order of removeal [illegible] £- -s -d
Journey to Padiham to see Jenny Shuttleworth either to take her away or give more releife £0 1s 0d
To Henry Whitacre 26 w at 2s 6d per and other things as per Bill £5 11s 8d
Disbursed this Mo. £7 5s 8d
Sunday January 2d 1785
To Jenny Shuttleworth this Mo. £0 1s -d
Robert Baron Do. £0 8s -d
Widow Leming Do. £0 4s -d
Do. Whensly Do. £0 3s -d
Betty Ashworth Do. £0 2s -d
[Next three lines torn]
Lame and towards his house rent £0 15s -d
Ann Ramsbotton this Mo. £0 5s -d
4 Toward burial of John Mercer wife £0 10s -d
5 Betty Ashworth taken badly £0 2s 0d
Mr Moom for takeing John Gibson and Henry Fort examination at a private sessions held at Blackburn £3 -s -d
To an order of removal fore Do. £0 4s -d
Expences at the above sessions [torn] my wages 1s £0 2s -d
6 To Expences at removing the above Family to Altham and going to Huncoat 5d my wage 1s £0 1s 5d
taken forward £4 17s 5d
[next page entirely missing]
Sunday March 6th
[fragment of a page]
To Widow —–
Ann Ramsbottom £0 4s 0d
Wid. Shuttleworth Do. £0 12s 0d
Robt. Baron Do. £0 8s 0d
Wid. Whensly Do. £0 3s 0d
Betty Ash– £- -s -d
[the following entries most likely for April 1785]
brought forward £3 2s 0d
John Livesey from Manchester Wife Lame £0 8s 0d
Journey to Symonstone with Docter Hoyle Money on account of widow Giles bill £0 1s 0d
Expences at Jonathan Calverts with Altham folks concerning Gibsons Trial £0 1s 6d
Journey to Altham and read Heights £0 1s 0d
9th To -ow Widow Smiths 13w at 13s per £1 19s 0d
[Next two lines missing]
Confermation of the Order in Court £0 1s 0d
To my Wage 4 days at 1s per day 4s and other witnesses on the road 2s £0 6s 0d
To expences on the road to Preston two men £0 0s 6d
George Pilkington one Day wage £0 1s 6d
[Torn] £0 5s 0d
Rob. Baron this Month £0 8s 0d
Widow Giles Pickup Bank 3 Mo. At 6 per £0 18s 0d
Betty Shuttleworth badly £0 2s 6d
John Green Sick family £0 6s 0d
Wm Dawson 6 yds Linn Cloth for shurts at 10d per thred 2d and making 1s 2d £0 6s 4d
April 24th 1785 To Henry Green sick family £0 -s -d
John Clayton 7 yds Linn Cloth for shurts at 10d per yad £0 6s -d
Peter Whally Colnn this Month £0 8s -d
Henry Whittacre 26 wks at 2/6 per week and Clothing as per Bill £3 14s -d
To Joseph Dean Good bought in for him [illegible] £2 0s -d
[Page torn – continues with:]
To paper for Books and Letters £0 1s -d
Disbursed this Month £22 2s -d
May 18th By Cash Due to £- -s -d
May 18th 1785 By Balance due to Higher Town £6 13s -d
By Sundries paid in All £- -s 2.5d
[Most of page blank]
By Sundried recd. in All £102 4s 3d
By Cash due to me from Lower Town £8 10s 0d
Seen and Allowed by us
Lawrence Walmsley
Alexr. Mercer
Thos. Fielden
Jeffra Brogden