Ann Account of Money disburst by Thos. Ellison Overseer of the Poor of the Higher Town of Great Harwood and in the Year of our Lord 1790
2d Payd to Widow Fielding rent Blakr. £0 17s 4d
To Thos. Birtwistle Lower town £0 8s 0d
To Thos. Birtweel rent at Parkhead £2 17s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Giels Whalley Banks £0 4s 0d
To Charls Howorth Jas. Ashworth rent £0 17s 0d
to Widow Standing Child Lowertown £0 6s 0d
To Widow Leeming Lowertown £0 8s 0d
To Hagness Brown £0 2s 0d
4 To Peter Whalley 14 weeks relief at 1s 6d per week £1 1s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Postage from Manchester £0 0s 4 1/2d
To Jane Hindle Grin Cliff £0 3s 0d
10 Payd to John Green rent Hasleden £1 11s 6d
To Henry Green rent do. £2 0s 0d
To wage going to visit them at do. £0 2s 0d
13 To Nath. Haydock John Mercers Rent £2 15s 0d
To Alice Smith Rent in Preston £2 12s 6d
19 To Ann Romsbotham Rent £1 1s 0d
25 To thrice Rents Lower town to John Smith £4 12s 0d
29 To Billy Dugdale White Carr fold £0 2s 0d
£22 9s 8 1/2d
Payd in the Month of June
1st Payd to Christ. Hindle Betty Duckworth rent Lower fould £1 1s 0d
Do to Jane Forest rent Lower town £2 11s 0d
2 John Brigge at Ryolhay for Rent £2 2s 0d
4 To Daniel Calvert his wife being sick £0 6s 0d
Wage going to Visit Danial Cavert in Livesey £0 1s 6d
To Betty Buterworth Child 9 weeks pay at 4d per week £0 3s 0d
6 To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Giels five weeks pay £0 5s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham in Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle Grin Cliff £0 4s 0d
To Ailce Smith in Preston £0 4s 0d
to John Clayton £0 2s 0d
To Thomas Bertwistle Lowertown £0 8s 0d
To Henry Mercer for Jane Hindle —- £1 15s 0d
To James Ashworth Rent at Cock Bridge £2 0s 0d
to John Leigh for Rent at White carr £2 0s 0d
10 To Wage to Whalley with Betty Dugdale £0 1s 0d
to Danial Calvert 7 Yards of Cloath at 9d per yd £0 5s 8d
Do to One Blanket £0 6s 0d
13 To Danial Calvert Livesey £0 5s 0d
£14 09s 9d
Payd in the Month of July 1790
1st Payd Widow Hodgson in Warrington 70 weeks rent at 6d per week due the 29th day of June £1 15s 0d
4 To Betty Buterworth Child 9 weeks pay at 4d per week £0 1s 8d
To john Clayton Lowerfould £0 2s 8d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Giels Whalley banks £0 11s 0d
To Thomas Birtwisle Lowertown £0 8s 0d
To Jane Hindle Grin Cliff £0 4s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Betty Dugdale £0 1s 0d
15 To Ailce Smith Preston £0 2s 0d
Do to Mary Smith Rent £2 2s 0d
To Wage to Preston with Betty Tumpson £0 3s 0d
21st To Ann Rombotham for -ockering £0 3s 0d
To 6 Yards of Cloath at 10d per yd £0 5s 0d
£6 3s 4d
Payd in the Month of August 1790
1st To Ann Giels Banks £0 2s 8d
To John Clayton £0 2s 8d
To Thos. Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To Ann Ramsbotham £0 6s 0d
To Henry Green Hastdelton £0 2s 0d
8 To Postage from Manchester £0 0s 4 1/2d
20 To 18 Weeks Relief at 1s 6d per week to Peeter Whalley Cooln £1 1s 0d
Do his Wife six yard of Cloath at 9d per yd £0 4s 6d
22 To Matthew Standing for w —- £0 0s 2d
26 To 2 Sommons for John Whitaker and Betty Duckworth £0 1s 0d
My Wage to Whalley and Hinburn Bridge £0 1s 6d
To Robert Brackwell Jas. Rushton Rent £2 12s 6d
27 Wage to Clarkhill with Betty Duckworth £0 1s -d
Payd in the Month of September 1790
5th To Ann Giels Banks 5 weeks pay £0 5s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To John Clayton £0 3s 4d
To Thomas Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham £0 6s 0d
7 to John Clayton Lowertown shows £0 7s 4d
To Betty Duckworth Child cloase £0 15s 6 1/2d
9 To wage Going to Walley When Robert Sharples was Axaminged £0 1s 0d
Spent at that time £0 0s 1 1/2d
16 To John Livesey for Shows and Relief £0 10s 6d
To Posage from Manchester £0 0s 4 1/2d
22 To a Warrant for John Whitaker £0 4s 0d
Do wage to preston at that time £0 3s 0d
To wage going to Tak Jas. Calvert How- £0 1s 0d
£3 15s 8 1/2d
Payd in the Month of October 1790
3 To Ann Giels Banks £0 4s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To John Clayton £0 2s 8d
To Thomas Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle Grin Cliff £0 4s 0d
7 To Ailce Smith 12 weeks Relief at 1s per week £0 12s 0d
To Charge of Taking John Whitaker to Preston £0 3s 8 1/2d
Do wage to Preston with John Whitaker £0 3s 0d
8 To John Clayton weascoat £0 6s 11d
To Ann Giels 6 yards of Cloath at 9d per yd £0 4s 6d
10 To Henry Haworth for Betty Duckworth child £0 3s 1d
To Jane Hindle – Load of Coal at —- per £0 4s 8d
To Lawr. Rushton for Jas. Ashworth wich was promised by Chrisr. Hindle in the year 89 £2 0s 0d
£5 8s 6 1/2d
Payd in the Month of November 1790
7th To Ann Giels Banks fife weeks pay £0 5s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Thomas Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To John Clayton £0 3s 4d
To Hindle Jane Grin Cliff £0 5s 0d
9 To Nickolas Bentley Rich Brown Coggs £0 2s 2d
11 To Ann Romsbotham Whalley a Blanket £0 4s 0d
12 To wage to Whalley with Robt. Sharpels twise by a Sommans £0 2s 0d
28 To Nickolas Bently 3 pair of Cloggs for Henry Green £0 5s 6d
Do To seven yard of lin Cloath at 10 1/2 d per yd £0 6s 1 1/2d
29 To Henry Whitaker Widow being Sick Padiham £0 6s 0d
To My Wage Going to Visit her £0 1s -d
£3 0s 5 1/2d
Payd in the Month of December 1790
1st To Thos. Baron his Son being sick £0 10s 6d
To Peeter Whalley 21 Weeks Relief at 2s per week £2 2s 0d
5 To Ann Giels Banks £0 4s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To John Clayton Lowerfould £0 4s 0d
To Postage from Manchester £0 0s 1 1/2d
6 To Charge of Binding Richd. Brown £3 3s 0d
Do Indenture Making £0 2s 4d
To Henry Howorth for Betty Duckworth £0 6s 0d
16 To Singing Richd. Brown Indenture £0 2s 0d
To Henry Whitaker widow Padihm £0 5s 0d
To Betty Dugdale Whitecarr £0 2s 6d
To Danial Calvert Livesey £0 4s 0d
29 To Widow Gield 60 weeks Relief at 2s per week £6 0s 0d
Do. Her Rent and Poastage & 3 quarts of ail for Thomas Turner taking the saim £0 16s 6d
£18 18s 2 1/2d
Payd in the Month of January 1791
1 To Daniel Calvert 3 yards of Drab at 2s 6d per yd £0 7s 6d
To Seven yards of lin Clouth at 9d per yd £0 5s 3d
To 2 1/2 Blue Plain at 1s 6d per yd £0 3s 9d
Do Wage Going to Visit him £0 1s 6d
To Mary Fielding Blakburn Relief £0 2s 3d
2 To 2 Month pay at 8per to Thos. Birtwisle £0 16s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Ann Giels Banks £0 4s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To Jane Hindle Grin Cliff £0 4s 0d
To John Clayton £0 4s 0d
4 To a Warrant for John Whitaker £0 4s 0d
To Wage to Preston for the saim warant £0 3s 0d
13 To Ailce Smith 15 weeks at 1s per £0 15s 0d
To Mary Smith £0 3s 0d
£4 5s -d
16th Payd to Danial Calvert Livesey £0 2s 0d
25th To John Livesey own Half years Rant and Distress of his Good £1 6s 0d
To Dockter Wilkinson Delivering John Marcer wife £1 1s 0d
Do Wage to Whalley at That Time £0 1s 0d
£6 15s 0d
Payd in the Month of February 1791
4th To Thos. Lund for Betty Duckworth Child £0 8s 0d
6 To Danial Calvert is wife being Sick £0 9s 0d
Do To Six yards of Cloath at 8 1/2 per yd £0 4s 3d
To Betty Whensley £0 6s 0d
To ann Romsbotham £0 6s 0d
To Ann Giels Banks 5 week £0 5s 0d
To John Clayton Lowerfould £0 5s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To John Clayton Weascoat making £0 1s 7d
10th Payd Wm Birtwisle 3 assisting him with John Whittaker £0 1s 0d
To Wage to Whalley & Summons for Jas. Rushton £0 2s 0d
To Wage to Clarkhill £0 1s 0d
12 To Robert Brakwell Carting Jas Rushton —– £0 2s 6d
To Ann Giels Cloggs £0 0s 7d
14 To Wage to Mr. Shuttleworth with John Hogdn £0 2s 0d
To a poper £0 2s 0d
18 To Jane Hindle 14 load of Coals at 8d per £0 9s 8d
To John Clayton Cloggs Cloggin £0 0s 8d
21 To Wm. Smith Child 5 weeks at 2s per £0 10s 0d
23 To Henry Smalley Rent Blackburn £1 0s 0d
To Jane Hindle own load of Coals £0 0s 8d
To Danial Calvert in Livesey £0 6s 0d
Thos. Birtwisle Lowertown £0 8s 0d
£5 14s 11d
Payd in the Month of March 1791
6th To Ann Giels Banks £0 5s 0d
To Ann Romsbotham in Whalley £0 6s 0d
To Betty Whensley £0 5s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To John Clayton £0 4s 0d
To Thomas Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To Wm Smith Child 3 weeks pay at 2s per wk £0 6s 0d
11th To John Coker for Repare of Windows of Jas Ashworth £0 9s 6d
18 To Timothy Grimshaw Beding £0 18s 9d
To Do. Brushes Suttle [Shuttle] Tempels and Rods and Bobins £0 4s 4d
Do Ealds and Stavs [Healds and staves] £0 4s 0d
Do to Fire great £0 4s 0d
To Joseph Dean his Famally being sick £0 4s 0d
To Timothy Grimshaw winding weel £0 2s 0d
23 To Joseph Dean Lowertown £0 6s 0d
To wage to Clayton with Isable Monk £0 1s 0d
£4 11s 7d
Payd in the Month of Aprial 1791
3d To Widow Hesking Blakburn £0 10s 6d
To Ann Romsbotham Whalley £0 12s 0d
To Thomas Birtwisle £0 8s 0d
To John Clayton £0 4s 0d
To James Forrest Lowertown £0 4s 0d
To Jane Hindle £0 4s 0d
To Ann Giels Banks £0 5s 0d
To Betty Whensley Child £0 5s 0d
5 To John Livesey own Quarters Rent £0 10s 6d
Do Relief for John Livsey £0 10s 6d
To John Clayton £0 1s 6d
To Joseph Morris Billington £0 10s 0d
To James Forrist Lowertown £0 6s 0d
14 To Rosindal Workhows Rent £2 10s 0d
To John Clayton Shos mending £0 2s 6d
8 weeks Relief at 2s per week for Danial Calvert £0 16s 0d
18 To Joseph Morris Billington £0 5s 0d
To Henry Howorth for Betty Duckworth child £0 4s 0d
To Jas Forrist Lower town £0 4s 0d
20 To Ellizabeth Smalley Rent Manchester £1 12s 0d
To Fifty two weeks Relief at 1s per week £2 12s 0d
25 To James Morris Lowerton £0 2s 6d
26 To Joseph Morris Billington £0 5s 0d
Do to Going With him Different times £0 1s 0d
To Jas Forrist Lower town £0 2s 6d
29 To Henry Smalley wife £0 3s -d
5 May to Widow Fielding 24 Months Relief at 3s per month £3 12s 0d
To Ink and Paper £0 1s 0d
£17 3s 0d
Payd in the Month of May £22 9s 8 1/2d
Payd in the Month of June £14 9s 9d
Payd in the Month of July £6 3s 4d
Payd in the Month of August £6 0s 8 1/2d
Payd in the Month of September £3 15s 8 1/2d
Payd in the Month of October £5 8s 6 1/2d
Payd in the Month of November £3 0s 5 1/2d
Payd in the Month of December £14 18s 21/2d
Payd in the Month of January £6 15s 0d
Payd in the Month of February £5 14s 11d
Payd in the Month of March £4 11s 7d
Payd in the Month of April £17 13s 0d
£110 10s 1d
Payd to Betty Foudes her Bill £1 15s 11d
To Betty Marcer Bastardy– £1 4s 6d
by Balance to John Aspinall £0 19s 4 1/2d
Brought up £110 10s 1d
Disburst in all £114 5s 10 1/2d
Omitted £0 0s 8d
£114 6s 61/2d
Received of Chrisr. Hindle £7 14s 2 1/2d
Do of Ann Grimshaw and others £2 6s 2d
Colected 18 Lays at 5 16 — £104 19s 3d
Received in All £114 19s 7 1/2d
Recd. from Jon. Ashmall to Balc. £0 7s 11d
£115 7s 6 1/2d
Disburst £114 6s 6 1/2d
Rems. In Hand £1 1s 0d
Seen and allowed by us 14 May 1791
Christ. Hindle
Chrisr. Parker
Nicholas Bentley