John Edleston of Great Harwood, Yeoman 1692

Will abstract:
Made 29th March 1692
Mentions possessed of a tenement in Great Harwood leased from Roger Nowell of Read
To his eldest son John Edleston he leaves the above tenement
To Johnathan Edleston his youngest son £5 from tenement
Mentions a further messuage or cottage in Great Harwood
To William Edleston his second son he leaves the above cottage
To Mrs. Ann Braddyll and Mrs. Alice Braddyll 5s each
To granddaughter Elizabeth Etough 20s
To all other grandchildren, boys and girls, 12d each
To June Hamond 2s
To every other servant 12d
Residue to children John, William, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Isabell, Ann [could also be a Jane]

John signed
Executors: John Edleston, son
Witnesses: Obs.. Chew, Luke Gregson, Ben. Bulcocke
Probate 1695

Inventory abstract:
Taken 25 July 1695 by George Blore, Thomas Smalley, Thomas Hindle, Jonathan Edleston
Very brief:
In the house parlour and higher room £8.
Two trees standing £4 15s
Money and Gold £70
Bond £151
Desperate debts £82
Aparell and in his pack £5

©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive