John Smalley the Elder of Smalley Thorn, Great Harwood, Yeoman

Will 30 September 1793.
To Betty his wife annuity yearly of six pounds
To his son John Smalley the tenement of Newthorn, held under lease from Hesketh.
To Ellen his daughter wife of Nathaniel Dugdale £120 and two messuages in Dutton called Eyes Cross.
To his son James Smalley freehold tenement purchased from Alexander Nowell and closes purchased from John Livesey, the side field, the long field, the Blackfield and the Brow now in the occupation of James Hindle.
To daughter Ann wife of Henry Cunliffe £120 and the messuage of Cowhey in Great Harwood, with the East Garden. But if she sells then the purchaser to be her brother James.
Residue to son John Smalley.
Executors: John and James his sons and Nathaniel Dugdale his son in law.
Witnesses: [illegible] and Tho. Carr.

Burial: 30 Nov 1793 St Bartholomew, Great Harwood – John Smalley 58
Abode: Smalley Thorn in Harwood

Transcription ©Barbara Youds from original held at Lancashire Archives