John Smith of Great Harwood, Yeoman

Made 9 June 1800
To John Smith his son leasehold tenement in Great Harwood, in tenure of John Smith his son, Mr Taylor Calico printing master and other tenants in the cottages held by the said lease – Edmund Dugdall, Thomas Consiglio, John Duxbury, John Youlds, Thomas Bertwistle, Mary Bentley, and the cottage house that he (John Smith senior) lived in.
Also to his son John Smith £18 per year raised from tenement situate in Clayton le Moors called Ringstonehalgh.
Also to his son John Smith two cottages in Cross Gate in Great Harwood in tenure or occupation of James Mercer and Robert Cunliff.
To Thomas Smith his son leasehold tenement and cottage house in Clayton le Moors named Ringstonehalgh in occupation of Mr Taylor, James Holding, Thomas Hilton, Mr Coulthurst, James Walmsley, Alice Duckworth, Thomas Webster, James Pickup as tenants.
Also to Thomas Smith his son two cottages, one in Cross Gate in tenure of William Cunliffe the other at Checkers in Clayton le Moors and known by the name of the passage house in the tenure of John Broadley as tenant.
To John Noble £5
To James Noble son of his daughter Isabel £5
To William and Isabel Procter children of granddaughter Mary Noble deceased £5
To Ann Mercer wife of Robert Mercer, daughter of daughter Isabel £5.
Residue of estate to sons John and Thomas Smith
Executors: John Smith his son, Lawrence Walmsley farmer of Great Harwood.
John made his mark
Witnesses: James Baron, Lawrence Rushton Jun., Thomas Hindle
Proved 31 May 1803
Value above one and under three hundred pounds

Burial: 23 May 1803 St Bartholomew, Great Harwood – John Smith 88

Transcription ©Barbara Youds from original held at Lancashire Archives