Aldred, Richard 1753

In the Name of God Amen I Richard Aldred of Read in the parrish of Whaley and County of Lancaster yeoman being weak of Body but of sound and perfect Mind and Memory Blessed by Almighty God for the same Do make and publish this my Last will And Testament in Manner and Form following that is to say First I give and bequeath unto My Well beloved Son James Aldred of Harrod the sum of Sixty pounds of Lawfull British Money I also give and bequeath unto My Grandson Richard Aldred son to James Aldred of Harrod aforesaid the Sum of Ten pounds of Lawfull British Money to be paid at the end of One year after My Decease I also give and bequeath unto My Grand Daughter Ann Calvert wife to Daniel Calvert of Harrod aforesaid the Sum of Ten pounds of Lawful British Money to be paid at one years end from and after my Decease I also give and bequeath unto My Grand Daughter Mary Aldred Daughter to James Aldred aforesaid the Sum of Ten Pounds of Lawfull British Money to be paid at one years and after my Decease I also give unto my Grand Daughter Margaret Aldred Daughter to James Aldred aforesaid the Sum of Ten pounds of Lawfull British Money to be paid at one years end after My Decease I also Give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Hester Aldred Daughter to James Aldred aforesaid the Sum of Ten pounds of Lawful British Money To be paid at one years end after My Decease I also give and bequeath unto My Grand Daughter Elizabeth Aldred Daughter to James Aldred aforesaid the Sum of Ten pounds of Lawfull British Money to be paid one years after my Decease I also give and bequeath unto My Son John Aldred the sum of Forty Shillings yearly and every year during the Term of is Natural Life to Commence or begin at the end of one year after My Decease I allso give unto My said Son John Aldred the Interest of My Houshould Goods and Quick goods During the term of his Natural from and after My Decease I also give and bequeath unto Ellizabeth Aldred wife to My said Son John Aldred If she do or shall survive My said Son John Aldred from and after his Decease the Sum of Forty shillings yearly and Every year During the Term of her Natureal Life I also give and bequeath unto My Two Grandsons Richard Aldred and John Aldred sons to my son John Aldred the sum of Forty pounds of Lawfull British Money to Enter to the Interest of the said Forty pounds at the end of One year after my Decease and to Receive the same when they shall attain the age of Twenty one years and to be Equally Divided betwixt them. I also give and bequeath unto my said Two Grandsons Richard Aldred and John Aldred Sons to My Son John Aldred the Sum of Forty pounds of Lawfull British Money as also what money My Houshould Goods and Quick Goods shall make to be paid at one years end after the decease of the Survivor of them My Said Son John Aldred and Ellizabeth his wife to be equally Divided between them the said John Aldred and Richard Aldred I also give and bequeath unto My Son Joseph Aldred of the Parrish of Whitechurch in the County of York the Sum of Sixty pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Britain to be paid at one years end after My Decease I also give and bequeath unto the Four Children of My said Son Joseph Aldred the Sum of Forty pounds to be equally Divided amongst them that is to say each of them Ten pounds of Lawfull British Money to be paid at one years end after My Decease and further My Will and Mind is that if My Said Estate and effects shall Amount (after my Just Debts are paid and Funeral Expences together with the Charge of the probate of this my Last will and Testament and all other Reasonable Charges are deducted and taken out) to more than the Legacys herby given then the Remainder of My Said Estate to be divided Amongst the Legatees in proportion to their Several legacys My Executors Not to be Accountable for any bad Debts but if it happens to fall short of paying the Legacys afforsaid when the former deductions are made then my will is that the said Legatees shall bear the Loss out of their Legacys in proportion to the Respective Sums to which they Amount And lastly I nominate and Constitute and Appoint My Son James Aldred and John Lonsdale Executors of this My last Will and Testament hoping they will faithfully perform the same In Witness wereof I have hereunto set My Hand and Seal this Second Day of June in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Eight.
Richard Aldred – his mark (very shaky R)

Signed Sealed published and declared
By the above named Richard Aldred to
be his Last will and Testament in the
presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed
our Names as Witnesses in the presence of
the Testator:
Rob Willkinson
John Maude
Proved 26 February 1753

Will accessed from Family Search:

Transcribed April 2021 by B. Youds

Richard Aldred of Read, Innkeeper was buried at St Mary and All Saints, Whalley on 16 January 1752/53