Aspden, Ann 1722

In the name of God Amen the first day of June in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred and nineteene I Ann Aspden of Great Harwood in the County of Lancr. Spinster being in health and of sound and perfect memory (praise be to God Almighty therefore) and desirous to settle and leave things in order at my death knowing the uncertainty of the time thereof Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other wills by me heretofore made And first I commend my Soul to God who gave it And my Body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And all such worldly Estate as the Lord in his mercy hath lent me I give and devise as followeth Vis. I give and devise unto my Brother Thomas Aspden of Symonstone the sum of Tenn pounds And to Margery his daughter the like sum of Tenn pounds And to John Aspden his son the Sum of Twenty shillings And to Thomas and William two other of his sons each of them the Sum of Eight pounds and to Matthias another of his Sons the Sum of Six pounds And to William Aspden of Wareley in the County of York son of my Brother William the Sum of Eight pounds And to Rosamond his sister the sum of Tenn pounds And to George Aspden of Worston son of my Brother George the sum of Tenn pounds And to Leonard Clarkson and Mary Clarkson son and daughter of Thomas Clerkson of Little Mitton each of them the sum of five pounds And to Elizabeth Aspden daughter of the aforesaid John Aspden the sum of Forty shillings And to Robert Houghton of Great Harwood aforesaid Webster the sum of Tenn pounds, all which Legacies aforesaid I order to be paid by my Executors hereafter named within twelve months after my decease And I give and devise unto Elizabeth, Robert and Roger children of Roger Houghton of Great Harwood aforesaid and to the survivor or survivors of them when they come to age to give sufficient discharges for the same the sum of Tenn pounds equally to be divided amongst them and in the mean time to remain and be in the hands of Nathaniel Aspden another son of my said Brother Thomas without any account to be made for the Interest thereof And the rest residue and Remainder of my Goods and personal estate whatsoever I give and devise unto the said Nathaniel Aspden And I constitute and make the said Thomas Aspden my Brother and the said Nathaniel Aspden Executors of this my last Will and Testament hoping they will faithfully perform the same as my trust is in them reposed In witness whereof I the said Ann Aspden the Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and yeare first above written.

Ann Aspden her mark [a large A]

Sealed, signed published and declared by the Testatrix Ann Aspden to be her last Will and Testament before us and then attested in her presence by us

Tho: Whitaker
Elizabeth Whitaker
John Grimshaw

Probate 11 April 1722

When she made her will in 1719 Ann said she was ‘of Great Harwood’. When she died though she was buried at Whalley and the burial register says she was from Billington, which is confirmed by the inventory made shortly after she died, transcribed below.

A true and perfect Inventory of the goods Cattells and Chattells of Ann Aspden Late of Billington in the County of Lancaster deceased appraised the 27th day of march anno Dom. 1722 by us whose name are under written.

Impremis 2 Cows 7 li one mare 3 li 10 0 0
Item 1 hay Cart 1 muck cart and wheels 1 7 6
Item One single harrow 0 2 6
Item One spade 0 1 3
Item I hagney saddle a lead saddle and caul saddle and trappings and horse gear 0 12 0
Item 2 Cole sack and 1 Corn sack 0 5 11
Item One piece of serge 0 12 0
Item Woollen yarn 1 14 6
Item In wool 8 6 10 ½
Item In Combed Wool 4 2 6
Item In Cloth 0 7 0
Item Serg warps and wefts 4 17 6
Item One pair of Looms and gears belonging and a mill and 2 pair of combs 0 17 6
Item 3 yards of Cloth 0 7 0
Item 3 Chest and 1 desk 0 12 6
Item 15lb of worsted 1 2 6
Item 2 old tubbs 0 1 6
Item 2 pair of bedstocks and bedding belonging 1 10 0
Item 1 pair of bedding with bedding [sic] 1 5 0
Item 1 pair of beddstocks with a Caddow 0 10 0
Item Woodden vessel and potts 0 12 0
Item Pweder and brass 1 11 0
Item 2 chest and 1 table 0 8 0
Item 1 back stone fire iron tongs and reckon 0 10 0
Item Chairs stools and quishons 0 4 0
Item Cart rope 0 2 0
Item Purse and apparel 42 10 0
Item All the hustlement 0 5 0
Total 98 8 0 ½

Thomas Worke
Lawrence Dewhurst
Richard Craven

Digital images accessed online at Family Search

Original documents held at Lancashire Archives