Boulton, William 1699

William Boulton, cordwainer of Great Harwood 1699

Made 16 May 1699
Cites lease made 20 May 1675 between himself and Thomas Hesketh Esq. for messuage or cottage where he lived with one acre and a half and twenty falls of land anciently belonging, and also two closes recently enclosed of three acres and three roods for term of four score and nineteen years.
Mentions himself, William Boulton his nephew and Grace Thompson probably as lives for the above lease.
Leaves the messuage to Alice his wife for her life, after her death to Benjamin Boulton of Whitecarr his nephew.
Benjamin to make yearly payments to:
Catherine wife of Richard Sudell 20s
Laurence Boulton of Blackburn his nephew 5s
Elizabeth Marcer of Harwood widow 10s
If Elizabeth Marcer marries or dies then the sum to be paid to her sons Richard and Thomas Marcer.
William Boulton his nephew 15s.
Residue to wife Alice. Alice to pay:
Ann wife of Nathaniel Haddock of Billington 1 shilling.
To Grace, Elizabeth and Alice daughters of Richard Tompson of Harwood twelve pence each
William Barton of Rishton and James Barton his brother twelve pence each
William Boulton (his nephew) twelve pence.
Wife Alice sole executrix.
William made his mark.
Witnesses: Nehemiah Hindle, Ellen Pope, Nich. Grimshaw.

Although William styled himself a cordwainer there are no items of the trade listed in his inventory, which lists household goods, cattle, debts owed to him, purse and apparell, and real estate.
Total £124 10s 8d.
The tenement is that which later became known as Back o’Bowley Farm.

Original held at Lancashire Archive.