Abstract of the Inventory and Nuncupative Will of Robert Chew of Harwood Magna 1682

Cover states ‘Now of Harwood Magna’.
19 September 1681
Robert Chew of Harwood Magna yeoman
Nuncupative will and inventory
Residue of goods after expenses to Lawrence Hindle of Great Harwood yeoman, his son in law.
Lawrence Hindle to be executor.

Witnesses: William Lond (his mark), John Lond (his mark) and Robert Feilden.

An Inventory of the Goods Cattells and Chatells of the decedent Robt. Chew of Billington and within the County of Lancaster yeoman Taken and prissed the 13th day of May 1682 by us Robt. Loond and John Mercer.
Total £6 19s 8d.

Proved 24 May 1682

Digital images accessed from Family Search


Original documents held at Lancashire Archive