Thomas Feilden of Great Harwood 1669
Will 1 Feb 1679.
Jane Feilden ‘now wife’ a tenement in Great Harwood leased from Thomas Hesketh of Rufford.
Henerie and William his sons.
Thomas Fielden the eldest son of my his Henerie.
Witnesses Isabell Ryley Christopher Wiggin John Feilden
Inventory 19 May 1680.
Inventory total £64 4s 2d
Appraisers Ralph Hindle sen. John Hindle John Feilden Ralph Hindle jun.
Lancashire Archive
WCW/1680/Feilden, Thomas
21 February 1680 Thoas Feilden was buried at St. Bartholomew’s, Great Harwood.
©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archives