In the name of god Amen the xxviiith day of may in the yeare of our god 1669 Alexander Marser of Much Harwood in the County of Lancaster yeoman beinge sicke in bodye but of good and perfecte memory praised bee given to god for it doe Constitute ordaine and make this my laste will and teastamente in mannor and forme followinge And firste and principally I comite and comend my soule into the Hands of Almightye god my maker trustinge by the death and passion of Jesus Christe to have Free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and by noe other way or means and my bodye to bee buried att the parochall Chappell of Harwood afforsaid at the discretion of my executors hereafter named And as touchinge my worldly goods and Chattles quicke and deade moveable and unmoveable (whearenth?) god hath blessed mee withall My will and mynde is that my goods bee divided into three parts one parte to my selfe one parte to my wyffe and the third parte to my Children John Marser William Marser Edward Marser and Elizabeth Marser to bee qually divided Amongste them And my will and mynde is that after my debts funerall expenses and forth bringing bee paid and satisfied out of my third parte then my mynd and will is that my sons John Marcer and Edward Marcer have the remainder of my thirde parte without any accompte makinge to any person whatsoever And lastly I doe Constitue ordaine and make the said John Marser and Edward Marser my sones my executors of this my last will and testament trustinge the will see the same performed accordinge to the trust reposed in them In wittness whereof to this my laste will and testament I the saide Alexander Marcer have put my Hands and Seale the day and yeare firste above written

Sealed signed and published

Alexander Mercer

as the laste will and testament of the within named Alexander Marcer in the presence of

William Marcer

Edmund Cockeshutte