Edward Mercer of Squires, Great Harwood, Yeoman
Will 16 April 1726.
Lease of Squires Tenement
To trustees Thomas Whitaker and James Nowell the entire estate to distribute as follows:
To Anne Marcer widow and John, James and Edward her sons equally £20.
To John Guest his servant 40s.
To John Marcer, brother of William Marcer of Colden residue and tenement.
To Katherine Townely and Margaret Townley of Simonstone, daughters of Richard Townley of Carrhall, Esquire £5 each.
To Jane Holker, daughter of Christopher Holker of Roden £20.
To James Holker, brother of Christopher Holker £10.
To James his bastard son £10. [Presumably son of James as above.] To Katherine Holker daughter of John Holker, brother of Christopher Holker £5.
To Christopher Mercer of Banks £5.
To William Mercer and Mary Mercer son and daughter of Christopher Mercer of Banks 50s each.
To Margret wife of Lawrence Tomlinson of Banks £5.
To Mary Procter daughter of Thomas Procter, tailor 20s.
To Thurstan Fielden 20s.
To William Mercer of Cowden £20.
To Alice Mercer daughter of William Mercer of Cowden £20.
To James Nowell £5.
To Jane wife of George Haworth of Cowell 50s.
To Ellen Crooke his servant £7 10s.
£50 to the Church wardens and overseers of Great Harwood – the interest of which was to be used to pay the schoolmaster at the school which had been built by Nowell of Read.
£10 to the poor stock of Great Harwood.
Edward made his mark.
Witnesses: Thomas Lund, James Lund
Probate 24th April 1727.
Inventory 19 September 1726
Inventory total: £210
16 September 1726 Edward Mercer from Squires, husbandman, was buried at St. Bartholomew’s, Great Harwood.
Transcription ©Barbara Youds from original held at Lancashire Archives