Edward Pickles of Great Harwood, Senior and Yeoman
In the name of God Amen I Edward Pickles of Great Harwood Senior and Yeoman in the county of Lancaster being weak of body but of sound perfect mind and understanding thanks be given to Allmighty God for the same Doth hereby publish and declare my last will and testament in manner herein after mentioned That is to say First it his my will and mind that all my Just Debts be paid and discharged funeral expences and the probate of this my will imediatly after my decease out of my personall Estate And After the same is paid I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Jane the wife of Edward Eccles at Bottam Gate in the Township of Blackburn in the County of Lancaster All that Large and commodious house at Bottam Gate aforesaid in the possession of my Daug Jane and her Husband before mentioned in the publick line with all the collaring, stableing, and outbuildings they at present Enjoy belonging to the same But not to extend to any rights belonging the four cottages at the East End Thereof that will be hereafter mentioned herein for other purposes specifyd Then I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Ann the wife of John Pilkington at Cunliff in the Township of Rishton and County of Lancaster all that Leasehold Tenement in the Township of Great Harwood in the possession of Joseph Singleton as Tenant thereoff dureing my Intrest in the same for the lives mentioned in the originall lease I Allso Give unto her the sum of one Hundred Pounds of Lawfull money to be paide of Harwood Edge Estate one Half thereof to be pade unto her at the Expiration and end of One Yeare after my Decease the other halff remaining at the End and Expiration of Three whole years after my Decease the same to be paid in stock as above without any Intrest whatsoever, the same I give unto her besides what she received of me dureing my life Then I Give and Bequeath upon trust to my Executors the sum of one Hundred and Fifty Pounds of Lawfull money to be Raised of the Four Cottage Houses at Bottam Gate for the use of my Daughter Grace the late wife of Thomas Dugdale in Great Harwood children, which are left Motherless being two of them the same his meant to be divided Equaly betwixt them as and when they arrive at the age of Twenty one years with Intrest for the same at the Rate of Four Pounds Ten Shillings Per Cent. Then at the age of Twenty one Years I order the same both princaple and Intrest to be Divided betwixt them First being Accounta(ble?) for all the money my Exectutors herein after Mentioned have Expended upon them either in trade, learning, Board, or Cloathing, dureing the time until thee arrive at the age of Twenty one Years, the same before mentioned betwixt them then to be divided according to the sum or sums happening to be in the hands of my Executors belonging to them. If they happen to be both liveing if not the survivor of them to receive both parts as if mentioned I Allso Give unto her ? my wife the sum of Twelve Pounds Yearly to be paid her by Quarterly installments of three Pound each dureing her Natural life but if she happens to Marry I order the said House and yearly Annuity to be taken from her and restored back to my son Edward Pickles the same as if she was dead Then All the Rest of my property in Land Buildings, Tennement, Terms of Years in Land, Money upon Intrest, Goods Chattels, or any other thing whatsoever or wheresoever the same may or can be found being my own right after paying the said Annuity or Legacies before mentioned I give and bequeath to my son Edward Pickles to be possessed by him without any claime or demand but what his herein ordered to be done and performed
And Lastly revokeing all other will made by me I Do Hereby order constitute and appoint Robart Pickles of Rishton and Edward Pickles my son Executors of this my last will Testament hopeing they will faithfully perform the trust I have in them reposed AS witness my hand the Thirteenth day of August one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety Seven
Seald signed and delivered By me the tesstator in the Presence of the witnesses And in the presence of one Another
Thomas HindleThomas Hindle Junior William Smith
Edwd. Pickles his name or mark [looks very much as if he signed]
The 5th day of August 1799 Robert Pickles and Edward Pickles the executors within named were sworn in common form before me
J. Starkie Surrogate
Value of the effects above one hundred and under three hundred pounds
Probate issued Dated 14th August 1799