Poor Law Accounts 1760 – 61

Mr Will Aspden
Disbursed upon the poor and other purposes
relating to the poor in the Township of Great
Harwood the year 1760 William Aspden overseer
Of the poor
Sunday 4th May
To Thos Aspden being the sum of Consideration Money to be paid with Martha Hindle his Apprentice£1 10s 0d
To Widow Morris House Rent pd Wm Nowell£0 16s 0d
To Anderton wife and Widow Giles House Rent pd Christ. Hindle£1 1s 0d
To Ruben Barret bord pd Joseph Pontifract£0 4s 0d
To Isable Robertshaw at Wm Emets£0 1s 6d
To Thomas Smalley child at Snodworth Cross with Old Morley£0 5s 0d
To old Martha Barret now with her daughter at Clitheroe£0 3s 6d
To John Sudell for two loads of coals for M. Barrett before she went Do.£0 1s 0d
To a horse for carrying her to Clitheroe 1s Geo. Chatburn for going with her to Clitheroe and assisting her in her Illness 1s 2d
To Widow Peacop for washing John Briears shirts£0 0s 8d
8thTo John Wiggen for white plain at 18d per yard for —- Britches£0 1s 11d
To thread ½ —- 1d making 7d buttons 1 1/2d£0 0s 10d
To old Hitchen of Read upon old Lund wife Accts£0 2s 0d
Total£4 10s 1d
June 1st 1760
To Old Martha Barret at Clitheroe for her Grandson£0 4s 6d
To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Thos Smalley child at Nurse£0 5s 0d
2ndTo Joseph Pontifract with Ruben Barret being now 7 yrs old as apprentice 2d in part after consideration expences in bargaining and Binding 18d£2 1s 6d
Indentures 3sc6d Signing 2s£0 5s 6d
3rdTo old Barret wife Burial£0 10s 6d
20thTo a pr of stockings for John Briears£0 1s 7d
28thTo Widow Morris she being badly£0 1s 0d
To Thos Rishton wife she being badly I visited her£0 1s 0d
Total£3 19s 7d
July 6th 1760
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Thos Rishton of Dean Widow£0 2s 0d
To pd for a letter writing to go to Yates of Yates Bank for B: pay£0 0s 6d
7thTo pd for a letter from Thos Holding of Manchester£0 0s 1d
To John Cunliff for 5 yds of Cloth for Tom. Rishton wife shifts£0 4s 7d
Total£0 13s 8d
Augt 3rd 1760
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Thos Rishton£0 2s 0d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Widow Mercer lower fold£0 2s 6d
To Thos Smalley child£0 3s 0d
Total£0 19s 0d
Sept 7th 1760
To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
To Margt Giles£0 2s 0d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Widow Mercer lower fold£0 2s 6d
To Thos Rishton for Dean daughter£0 2s 0d
Total£0 15s 6d
October 5th 1760
To Thos Rishton for Dean daughter£0 2s 0d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Widow Mercers 18d Margt Giles 2s£0 3s 6d
To Thos Smalley child£0 3s 6d
25thTo old Jno. Haworth wastecoate 4s 2 1/2 at 2p given to Barton Giles£0 3s ?d
Total£1 0s ?d
Novr 2d 1760
To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
Margt Giles£0 2s 6d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Thos Smalley child£0 3s 0d
To Thos Rishton£0 2s 0d
To John Haworth£0 6s 6d
To expended when I should have bound Barton Giles£0 0s 6d
3rdTo John Cunliffe for Wid: Rishton shifts 4 3/4 yds£0 4s 9d
8thTo Margt Giles badly£0 0s 6d
14thTo Jane Anderton badly£0 0s 6d
16thTo Ale for burial of John Haworth at Cock 5s at Harwd. 4d To Ale when he was laid out 8d£0 6s 0d
Church dues 2s 8d Bread 1s 3d£0 3s 11d
To a messenger getting passing Bell —£0 0s 2d
17thTo pd with Edwd. Giles apprentice£0 14s 6d
To indentures£0 5s 0d
22ndTo Phebe Mercer£0 1s 0d
Total£3 4s 10d
Dec 7th 1760
7th Dec 1760To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
To Thos Rishton for Dean Daughter£0 2s 0d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Jas Ashworth upon Acct of old Jns Haworth in his illness£0 0s 6d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Mgt Giles£0 2s 0d
To John Cunliffe for cloth for Wid: Morris£0 6s 0d
To Peter Whalley two children Dinners from Coln£0 0s 4d
Total£1 12s 10d
Jany : 4 1761
4th Jan 1761To Thos Rishton£0 2s 0d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
Total£0 13s 6d
Feby 1st 1761
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
March 1st 1761
To Thomas Rishton£0 2s 0d
To John Briears£0 6s 6d
To Isable Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Thos. Smalley child£0 3s 0d
To Widow Rishton£0 6s 6d
Margt. Giles£0 3s 0d
To Peter Whalley and his children allnight for their diners supers and brakefast£0 1s 0d
To paper for the whole year£0 1s 0d
To Mr. Smalley at Several times£0 6s 0d
To assmt. signing 2s publishing 2d£0 2s 2d
Total£1 16s 2d
April 5th 1761
To Jane Anderton£0 2s 6d
To Margaret Giles£0 3s 0d
To Wid. Robertshaw£0 5s 0d
To Joseph Pontifract of Lower Darwen being the remaining part of the consideration money to be paid with Reuben Barret … his apprentice£2 0s 0d
Total£2 10s 6d
1760To Town of Great Harwood to Wm. Aspden — 1760
May£4 10s 1d
June£3 19s 7d
July£0 13s 8d
Aug.t£0 19s 0d
Sept£0 15s 6d
Oct.r£1 8s 0d
Nov.r£3 4s 10d
Dec.r£1 12s 10d
Jany£0 13s 6d
Feby£0 6s 6d
Mar£1 16s 2d
Aprl£2 10s 6d
Disburst upon the poor£22 10s 2d
Disburst in the highways£9 16s 6.5d
Disburst upon the Constable Acct.(?)£10 0s 10d
To my wages£4 0s 0d
Disburst in all£46 7s 6.5d
Recd.£46 4s 5.5d
Due to the overseer£0 3s 1d
1760By moneys remaining in my hand when I Balla’d my accts 59£0 16s 0.25d
1760By moneys received by Dewhurst Thos. for Barret Field and by Widow Barrett Goods£1 6s 4.5d
1760By cash received by 11/2 Leys at £3.16s.4d —amounts to£43 7s 10d
1760By cash rec’d from lower Town to Ballance£0 4s 2.5d
Total£46 4s 5.5d
14 April 1761 Seen and allowed by us whose names are hereunder written.
Chris.r Hindle
William Aspden
John Hoyle
Jas. Holden his mark
the mark of John Hindle
William Hindle
Disburst upon the Constable Acct. for the whole Township for the year 1760 Wm. Aspden Constable
3rd May 1760To paid for Sessions Instructions 1 door£0 1s 1d
13th May 1760To assessing land and window less Higher Town 3/6 d lower do. 1/9 d door£0 5s 4d
14th June 1760To William Bleasdle for his opinnion in regard to Rishtoners going through Harwood with their carts and concerning Widow Mercer£0 3s 6d
June 1760To publishing a Note to cut their hedges to Do. for Jury to meet about limers gate.£0 0s 4d
14th July 1760To a precept£4 15s 1.5d
1760To expended with old Sharrock in —pering with him not to indite the limers gate under the Edge£0 0s 6d
20th August 1760To Stocks repairing£0 1s 6d
11th August 1760To a precept and rel—- for the assize£2 17s 0d
2nd Sep 1760To 3 sessions£0 3s 0d
6th Oct 1760To Peter Pence£0 7s 2d
9th Oct 1760To Wm. Bleasdle for moving the Court for time to repair the road that stands indited£0 5s 0d
1760To Mr. Withnal Clerk of the peace for Do.£0 3s 6d
29th Dec 1760To a precept£4 15s 1.5d
Total£13 8s 2d
£ s d
Brought over£13 8s 2d
1st Jany 1761To an article for the inhabitants to join in prosecution of Helen (?)£0 5s 0d
13th Jany 1761To instructions for supervisors£0 6s 1d
13th Jany 1761To responded in attending 3 millitia meetings at Preston£0 3s 0d
13th Jany 1761To paid passingors in all£0 4s 6d
16th ? 1761To paid for a Sunday warrant£0 2s 1d
16th ? 1761To responses in attending all the Sessions both both General and private for the whole town£0 7s 6d
16th March 1761To return for Assize£0 2s 2d
22nd March 1761To a Note publishing to return overseers of the poor£0 0s 2d
27th March 1761To Sunday warrant£0 2s 6d
Door£0 0s 1d
In all£15 1s 3d
Lower Towns’p£5 0s 5d
Upper Towns’p£10 0s 10d