Poor Law Accounts 1789 – 90

Town Book 1789
An Account of Money Disburst by me Chsr. Hindle Overseer of the pooore for the year of our lord 1789
Payd in the Month of May to John Brigg for rent£3 0s 0d
Payd to An Ramsbotham in Whaley£0 6s 0d
to Marey Fieldden in Blackburn£0 3s 0d
Petter Whaley in coln£0 6s 0d
to Henrey Green rent£1 4s 6d
to John Green rent£1 11s 6d
to Agnes Brown£0 2s 0d
to An Giles£0 4s 0d
to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
James Mercer in Whaley£0 3s 0d
James Ashworth rent£2 0s 0d
to Alic Smith rent in Preston£2 2s 0d
to Jane Hindle at Green Cleif£0 2s 0d
to James Rishton£0 2s 0d
to Thomas Bertwel in Read his rent£1 16s 0d
o James Forest£0 2s 0d
to John Smith in Preston£1 1s 0d
to James Whiteker for Bettey Ballinder child£0 1s 6d
to Eight persons at there super£0 2s 4d
to James Mercer in Whaley£0 2s 6d
to James Forest£0 2s 0d
to James Foster for Ann Ramsbotham rent£1 2s 0d
to Henry Smalley rent in Blackburn£2 1s 6d
£18 11s 10d
to Nicolas Read for James Rishton looms£1 11s 6d
to John Mercer rent at Smithy Coats£2 13s 0d
to James Mercer in Whaley£0 2s 0d
to John Hergreaves for Bettey Balinder child£0 3s 0d
to Red Bettey when sick£0 2s 0d
to Robert Brackwell for James Rishton rent£2 12s 6d
to Ellen Pecop for a set of papers [paupers] ther brackfast£0 1s 6d
to Bettey Balender one month pay for child£0 1s 4d
to Elen Pacop for six persons there brackfast£0 1s 6d
to Daniel Calvert rent payd to Wiliam Crook£1 11s 6d
May 27thto Bettey Butterworth child cloes£0 18s 6d
£9 18s 4d
Payd in June for the year of 1789
to Betty Wensley£0 6s 0d
Dito to carting her Goods to witecare£0 1s 0d
payd to An Giles£0 5s 7d
payd to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
to Agnas Brown£0 2s 0d
James Fielding in Picupbank to his rent£1 11s 6d
payd to Jane Hindle at Green Cleif£0 3s 0d
to Thomas Birtwisle rent£2 0s 0d
to John Calvert his rent£1 5s 0d
payd to An Ramsbottom in Whaley£0 6s 0d
payd to John Tattersel for Bettey Wensley rent£0 12s 0d
payd to Mrs Sale for James Rishton bill£0 12s 0d
payd to Peter Whalley in Coln 14 weekes pay at 1s 6d per weeke and 6 yards of cloth for new shifts for his wife at 10d per yard£1 6s 0d
to red Bettey Shifts£0 5s 0d
to Ann Ramsbottom cloth for shifts£0 5s 6d
to William Ducworth rent payd to Jas. Riley£3 0s 0d
June 22dto Henry Whetecer sons rent in Padiam£1 10s 0d
June 23dto red Bettey rent payd to John Leigh£2 0s 0d
Dito to Widow Heuking for Coles£0 10s 6d
June 26thto Mary Smith rent payd John Margereson in Preston£2 2s 0d
Dito to old Simson in Padiam for Henrey Witecar Blancat that wass in pawn£0 2s 6d
£18 7s 1d
June 27thto my wages Going to Padiam to see old Henrey Witecer and Balance with the overseer of Padiam£0 1s 6d
Do. To a New pair of clogs for Henrey Whitecer£0 2s 9d
July 3dpayd at Blackburn for Getting the Bookes signed by the Justice£0 1s 0d
Dito my wages for going to Blackburn£0 1s 0d
July 4thpayd to An Ramsbotom£0 6s 0d
July 6thto Robert Sharples rent£1 10s 0d
£2 2s 3d
Payd in July 5th 1789
Payd to An Giles£0 4s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
to Jane Hindle£0 1s 0d
to widow Fielding in Blackburn£0 1s 0d
to a pair of Stocing for An Giles£0 1s 6d
to John Clayton Sherts Cloth and making£0 6s 9 1/2d
11thto James Rishton£0 3s 0d
Dito£0 1s 0d
15thto John Claton New Shoes£0 7s 3d
Dito for Postig of too letters at 3 1/2d per letter£0 0s 7d
19thto Henrey Witicar in Padam he being sick£0 1s 0d
23dDito to Widow Fielding in Blackburn£0 7s 0d
Dito to Expences of Removeing John Dixson£1 7s 9d
26thpayd to Henrey Witicar when sick£0 1s 6d
Dito to new Close for Henrey Whiticare and a new Blancat£1 10s 4d
£5 1s 8 1/2d
Payd in August 2 day
to An Ramsbotham in Whaley£0 6s 0d
To Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
to Jane Hindle at Green Clif£0 1s 0d
to An Giles£0 4s 0d
7thPayd to Alice Smith for her son John£1 1s 0d
Dito to Bettey Ballinder 4 weekes pay£0 1s 4d
18thDito to Red Bettey at Whiticar£0 2s 0d
21stDito to John Green in Haslington£0 8s 0d
Dito to his Diner and brackfast£0 0s 8d
Dito to Elin Pacop for relief of a poper£0 0s 4d
Dito payd to Peter Whaley rent at Coln£1 5s 0d
31stDito to Thurston Heskin widow£0 10s 6d
Dito Daniel Calvert 6 yards of Cloth£0 5s 0d
September 2d going to Mouding Weater in Order to by a pair of Looms for Daniel£0 1s 2d
August 28th payd for a pair of Looms for Daniel Calvert and takeing them to Blackburn£2 4s 0d
£6 18s 0d
August 30th to going to Whaley with Bettey Mercer to Father her child£0 1s 0d
payd for the warent£0 4s 0d
Dito to Expences of going to Manchester in Search of James Butterworth£0 14s 6d
Dito to My wages for 2 days Hors and my self£0 5s 0d
Dito to going too times in the Read£0 1s 0d
£1 5s 6d
Payd in September 1789
3dTo Ann Ramsbottam in Whaley£0 6s 0d
7thDito payd to Rossendale Workhouse£8 1s 11d
Dito to the Governer and my Jorney£0 4s 0d
28thTo going to the workhouse in order to prevent John Livesey Marriage£0 3s 0d
3dto Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
Dito to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
Dito to Hane Hindle at Green Cliff£0 1s 0d
Dito to Ann Giles£0 4s 0d
Dito to Bettey Balinder Child£0 1s 4d
Dito to Expence on the removal of Marg. Grankland to Grinleton in Yorkshire£6 6s 5 1/2d
October 8th to Going to Preston to get the Order confirmed upon Grinleton£0 3s 0d
Payd for New Clothes and the expence of the Indenters and binding William Edwards to Robert Brackwell in Harewoad£3 8s 4d
£19 7s 0 1/2d
Payd in October 1789
4thto An Giles£0 4s 0d
Dito to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
Dito to John Clayton£0 2s 0d
Dito to An Ramsbotham£0 2s 0d
Dito to John Green of Haslington£0 5s 0d
Dito to Bettey Edwards£0 4s 0d
Dito to Bettey Balinder Child£0 1s 4d
5thto Peter Whaley in Colne 16 weekes pay at 1s 6d per weeke£1 4s 0d
Dito to New Cloth for Shifts for old Peter in Coln 7 yards at 10d per yard£0 5s 10d
Dito 2 popers there super and brackfast & lodging£0 1s 4d
7thJohn Green of Hasleinton 13 yd of lin Cloth at 10d per yd£0 10s 10d
Dito to 3 1/2 yds of Blew plain at 2s per yd for An Romsbottam£0 7s 0d
Dito to John Clayton at Blackburn£0 0s 6d
8thPayd to john Smeith in Preston£0 10s 6d
11thto going to Newchurch a second time in order to prevent John Livesey Marrig£0 3s 10d
14thpayd to Daniel Calvert at Blackburn£0 4s 8 1/2d
dito to John Clayton at Blackburn£0 1s 4d
£4 14s 2 1/2d
October 23d 1789 Payd to Widow. Giles at Preston one years pay and her rent£6 1s 0d
£ s d
Payd in November£ s d
1stto John Clayton£0 1s 0d
Dito to Jane Hindle£0 1s 0d
Dito to An Giles£0 5s 0d
Dito to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
Dito to Henrey Green in Haslington£0 5s 0d
Dito to John Livesey£1 1s 0d
Dito spent upon Examination of John Livesey and his meat and Lodging for one night£0 2s 9 1/2d
3dpayd to An Ramsbotham in Whaley£0 6s 0d
5thto John Green in Haslington 10 yards of Lin Cloth at 10 1/2d per yard£0 7s 11d
13thpayd to James Ashworth£0 6s 0d
15thpayd to John Clayton£0 1s 6d
21stpad to James Ashworth£0 2s 0d
23dpayd to An Ramsbotham£0 2s 0d
26thto Henrey Green 3 pair of Clogs 5 yards of Lin Cloth 4s 7d Clogs 5s 7d£0 10s 2d
£3 17s 4 1/2d
Payd in December 1789
3dto William Turner for Bettey Duckworth rent£1 1s 0d
6thto An Giles£0 5s 0d
to Jane Hindle at Green Cleiff£0 1s 0d
to An Ramsbotham£0 2s 0d
to Dito£0 2s 0d
to James Ashworth£0 4s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
11thto John Leivesey at Manchester£0 10s 6d
15thto John Smith in Preston£0 10s 6d
at same time to a Poper his Lodging brackfast and Super£0 0s 8d
24thto John Leivesey at Manchester£0 1s 0d
25thDito to John Leivesey£1 10s 2 1/2d
30thto John Aldered rent£1 5s 0d
January 1st 1790 to Daniel Calvert at Blackburn£0 2s 0d
to a poper super and Brackfast one night Lodging£0 0s 8d
Dito 3d Payd to Thomas Mercer Egsike for An Ramsbotham Coles£0 6s 0d
£6 7s 6 1/2d
Payd in January 1790
2dto An Ramsbotham£0 6s 0d
3dto Daniel Calvert payd at Harwood£0 4s 0d
to An Giles£0 4s 0d
to Jane Hindle at Green Cleiff£0 1s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to Red Bettey£0 4s 0d
to John Clayton£0 1s 0d
6thpayd to Peter Whaley in Coln that is 16 weeks pay at 1s 6d per£1 4s 0d
6thpayd to John Smaley in Bill to reparing the schoole that was agreed on at a meeting held for that purpose£7 14s 1d
7thDito payd to John Clayton at Blackburn£0 2s 0d
9thpayd to Rosendale workhouse for Bettey Shutelworth and John Levesey and the Expence of Bettey Beuriel£4 2s 7 1/2d
14thpayd to James Ashworth£0 3s 0d
20thdito payd to John Smith in Preston£1 1s 0d
February 4th to going to Whaley with John Wheitecer£0 1s 0d
£15 13s 11 1/2d
payd in January 1790 [overleaf]
26thpayd to Thomas Bentley as ernesh [ernest] Money in regard to takeing John Calvert house£0 0s 6d
27thpayd for posting of a letter and warent from Manchester to Harwood£0 0s 9d
28thpayd to An Ramsbotham£0 6s 0d
to going to Whaley to take too sumons£0 1s 0d
at same time payd for the sumons£0 1s 0d
payd for posting of too letters from John Livesey that I received from Manchester£0 0s 9d
29thDito to Thurston Heskin Widow for Coles£1 1s 0d
£1 11s 0d
Payd in Feburey
7thto An Giles£0 5s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to Red Bettey£0 4s 0d
to Jane Hindle at Green Cleif£0 1s 0d
10thto John Clayton in Blackburn stokins and breeches£0 4s 8d
11thdito to Bettey Balender Child£0 1s 0d
13thto Posted of a letter from Manchester£0 0s 4 1/2d
17thto Betty Wensley Child Close£0 7s 9d
26thto Ann Ramsbotham in Whaley£0 6s 0d
at same time to going to Whaley with James Butterworth to take out a warent to commet him to the House of Correction£0 1s 0d
to going a second time to Whaley with Butterworth£0 1s 0d
28thPayd to Johnathan Calvert for Taxes for John Hindle estate in Hindle Fold£1 0s 0d
Dito payd for Posteg of a Letter£0 0s 5d
£2 18s 2 1/2d
Payd in March
7thto Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to An Giles£0 4s 0d
to Jane Hindle£0 1s 0d
10thto An Giles 4 yards of Cloth£0 8s 0d
15thDito to Mr. Sale Bills for An Ramsbotham Daughter and others in Whaley£0 8s 0d
28thpayd for posteg of a letter from John Livesey from Manchester£0 0s 4 1/2d
31stDito payd to Making up John Clayton Briches£0 1s 4d
Dito to Bettey Balender Child£0 7s 0d
Dito for Paper£0 0s 8d
£1 16s 4 1/2d
Payd in April the 10th
to An Giles£0 4s 0d
to Bettey Wensley£0 6s 0d
to An Ramsbotham£0 6s 0d
to Jane Hindle£0 1s 0d
to Bettey Edwards£0 11s 0d
Payd to a person in Manchester that gave me information of Butterworth£0 2s 0d
16thto going to Preston with Bettey Mercer to paying for the Order made upon James Butterworth of Manchester£0 5s 0d
19thto going to Whaley one time and to Cleark Hill too times with Bettey Tompson to Father her child£0 1s 6d
Expences of takeing Thomas Deain£0 1s 5d
at same time payd for the warent£0 4s 0d
21stto John Clayton at Blackburn£0 0s 8d
£2 5s 7d
April 22nd
to going too time to Whaley for a sumons for Nancy Wiggen£0 1s 0d
payd for the sumons at Whaley£0 1s 0d
Dito payd to Robert Brackel for repairing James Rishton widows£0 1s 0d
27thto going to Whaley to take out a warent in Order to take John Whittecer£0 1s 0d
spent at Hinburn Bridg when he was taken£0 1s 2d
Dito payed for the warent at Whaley£0 4s 0d
payd Robert Swane for coming to Whaley£0 1s 0d
Dito payd to the door keeper for Robert£0 0s 2d
Dito for my self£0 0s 2d
Spent at Whaley at John Wigelsworths£0 0s 4d
Dito to going to Hinburn Bridg£0 0s 6d
May 4th payd to the Overseer of Padiam for old Henrey Whittecar 1 years pay£6 10s 9d
Dito to my wages going to Padiam to balance£0 1s 4d
£7 3s 5d
Payd in May£28 10s 2d
Payd in June£20 9s 10d
Payd in July£5 1s 8d
Paid in August£8 3s 6d
Paid in Sept.r£19 7s 0 1/2d
Payd in Octobr.£10 15s 2 1/2d
Payd in Novemr.£3 17s 4 1/2d
Payd in Decembr.£6 7s 6 1/2d
Payd in Janury£15 13s 11 1/2d
dito in the same month£1 11s 0d
Payd in Febuarey£2 18s 2 1/2d
Payd in March£1 16s 4 1/2d
Payd in April the 10th£9 9s 0d
£134 0s 10 1/2d
Recd. 18 Leys£104 19s 3d
Collected from diff. persons£4 7s 4d
Recd. from — last officer£19 6s 7d
£128 13s 2d
Recd. to Balance from the lower town£13 11s 11d
£142 5s 1d
paid as per account£134 0s 10 1/2d
£8 4s 2 1/2d
paid to Balance to the lower town 1/3 of Taxes for John Hindle’s Estate£0 6s 8d
£7 17s 6 1/2d
Spent at the meeting£0 9s 4d
Remains due to the next officer£7 14s 2 1/2d
May 31st 1790
Examined and allowed by us
Alex. Mercer
Law. Walmesley
James Walmsley
B. Wollock
Thos. Hindle
Thos. Bentley
Thos. Aspden
Richer Tindell