Higher Butts Lease and Release 1782
Aspden to Wolstenholme
Know all Men by these presents that I William Aspden of Great Harwood in the County Palatine of Lancaster Yeoman am held and firmly bound unto James Wolstenholm of Great Harwood aforesaid weaver in one Hundred pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid to the said James Wolstenholm or his certain attorney Executors administrators or Assigns For the true making of which payment I bind myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with my Seal Dated the twenty fourth day of April in the twenty second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty two.
Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the twenty second and twenty third Days of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Eighty two And made or mentioned to be made between the above bounden William Aspden of the One part and the Above named James Wolstenholm of the other part He the said William Aspden for the consideration in the said Indenture of Release mentioned Did Grant and convey unto the said James Wolstenholme his Heirs and Assigns A certain piece plot or parcel of Waste Ground situate and in Great Harwood aforesaid And therein mentioned to be X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X the same was Staked marked and set out (being part and parcel of the Waste Ground lately purchased by the said William Aspden of and from John Atherton Robert Moss John Barcroft and John Alcock or some of the and Commonly called and known by the name of the Higher Butts and lying near to or adjoining a Messuage or Dwelling house and two other new Erected Messuages called the Bridges) bounded on the East by the West Toll Bar and which lieth bounded on the East and South by the high road leading from Harwood School to Harwood otherwise called Great Harwood Stopes and adjoining on the West to a Croft belonging to Robert Swain and Also bounded on the North by the Causeway leading from the said school to Harwood otherwise called Great Harwood Edge and containing in length to the front forty three yards or thereabouts and contain in the whole according to an Estimate made thereof seven and one half perches of Ground or thereabouts were the same more or less Together with other the Appurtenances in the said Indenture of Release particularly mentioned and described To Hold the same unto and the use of the said James Wolstenholm his Heirs and Assigns forever. As in and by the said Indentures of Lease and Release relation being thereunto respectively had may more full and at large Appear And Whereas the said William Aspden hath proposed and agreed to Indemnify the said James Wolstenholme his heirs and Assigns against the Dower and Thirde which Elizabeth Wife of the said William Aspden will be Intitled to or can Claim in to or out of the said piece plot or parcel of Waste Ground and premises so conveyed to the said James Wolstenholm as aforesaid in Case She happen to survive the said William Aspden her husband Now therefore the Condition of the Above Written obligation is such that if the said William Aspden his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall at all times hereafter Save harmless and Indemnify the said James Wolstenholm his Heirs and assigns and his and their Estate and effects and particularly the said piece or parcel of Ground and premises so conveyed to him and them as aforesaid from and against all the Dower and thirde And All the right title and Claim of Dower and thirde which the said Elizabeth the Wife of the said William Aspden may have or Claim of in or to the said piece plot or parcel of Waste Ground and premises herein before mentioned to be conveyed by the said William Aspden to the said James Wolstenholm his Heirs and Assigns as aforesaid And also from and Against all Damages Costs Charges and Expenses which he the said James Wolstenholm his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them or his or their Estates or Effects shall or may at any time hereafter be ? to or Sustain by reason of such Dower or thirde or in any wise relative thereto Then the within Obligation to be Void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue.
Sealed and Delivered on paper being first duly stamped in the presence of
George Fowler
Thos. Bulcock
Wm. Aspden [his seal]