Baron, Edward 1665

Edward Baron of Lower Town of Great Harwood, Taylier 1665

Made 1st February 1665
Edward Baron of Lower Town of Great Harwood, Taylier
To brother Edmund Baron £6 6s 8d
To brother William Baron £6 6s 8d
To sister Elizabeth Baron £6 6s 8d
To sister Alice Mercer, wife of John Mercer 30s
To John Mercer son of sister Alice and John Mercer 15s
To Edmund son of sister Alice and John Mercer 15s
To Elizabeth Mercer daughter of sister Alice and John Mercer 20s
To Elliner Mercer daughter of sister Alice and John Mercer 20s
20 yards of grey kersey at 20 pence a yard to be divided between:
William Seller son
Ellin Baron
Robert Baron son
William Marcer son
John Ryley son
Mathew Briggs daughter
Old Cunliffe wife
Mabel Barker ?
John Wilkinson ? daughter
John Ingham daughter
Christopher Cunliffe son
Ellin Childers grandchild
Various bequests of clothing to various people mentioned above.

Inventory total: £48 7 pence

©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive