Birtwistle, Mary 1738
Transcription of the Will of Mary Birtwistle of Great Harwood, Spinster 1738
In the name of God Amen this twenty second day of July in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred thirty and four I Mary Birtwistle of Great Harwood in the County of Lancaster Spinster being very sick and weak of body but of perfect Mind and Memory praised be almighty God therefore calling to mind the Mortality of My Body and knowing that it is appointed for me and all mankind once to dy do make and ordaine this My Last Will and Testament hereby Revoakeing all other former wills heartofore Maid by Me And first of all I Recommend My Soul into the Hands of God that gave it and My Body to be buryed in Christian like and Decent maner at the discretion of My Executors hear after Named And all such Worldy Estates as it hath pleased God to bless Me with I give and demise as followeth First I give and devise unto Jenet Whitaker of Altham My Sister the sum of five shillings and to five Children of John Whitaker of the Clough Bank in Altham Miles John Thomas Elin and Jennet I give to Each of them Two Shillings and sixpence all my Cloths and wearing apparel I give to Ann Kitching of Wiswell and Margreat Roshton of Whaley both of the County aforesaid Equaly and proportionabley to be divided betwixt them I give to Ann Roshton Daughter of Margreat Roshton aforesaid one lamb likewise I give to Thomas Birtwistle and William Birtwistle both sons of James Birtwistle of Harwood aforesaid each of them one sheep and to Thomas and Mary Birtwistle son and Daughter of John Birtwistle of Billington Deceased each of them one sheep all the rest of my goode and personal Estates I give and devise unto Robert Birtwistle of Harwood aforesaid Like Wise I constitute and ordaine the said Robert Birtwistle and Thomas Shaw Executors of this My Last Will and testament hoping they will faithfuly perform the same as My trust is in them Reposed in Wittness whereof I the sd Mary Birtwistle the testatrix have hear unto put my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Mary Birtwistle her Mark
Signed sealed published and declared by the testatrix Mary Birtwistle to be her Last Will and testament in the presents of us
John Cunliff
Nathaniel Aspden
Probate 17 Oct 1738
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Original documents held at Lancashire Archives