Braithwaite, William 1825

William Breathwaite of Great Harwood, Yeoman 1825

Made 19 July 1823
To son William Breaithwaite two dwelling houses and closes of 11 acres in Great Harwood, then in occupation of testator, his daughter Cicely and John Radcliffe. After the death of his son William these to go to the testators grandson, also William Breaithwaite.
To daughter Ellen, wife of Richard Carter, £60 for sole use exclusive of her husband.
£300 in trust to the executors (owed to the testator by son William) the interest of this to be paid to daughter Cicely (wife of William Walne, cordwainer) for her use exclusive of her husband.
Also bequests to grandson William Braithwaite, granddaughters Elizabeth, Margaret and Ann Walne.
Executors: William Braithwaite, son and James Fielding, cotton manufacturer.
Witnesses: John Cronshaw, John Ratcliffe, William Harrison

Transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive.