John Calvert of Great Harwood, Yeoman 1777
Made 9 November 1777
Leaves estate on Harwood Moor (under late Alexander Nowell) in trust to Edward Brewer and William Aspden
To Ann his sister wife of Richard Chapel of Almondsbury in York 40s yearly out of rents
To Robert Calvert his brother 40s yearly out of rents
To Thomas his brother and Jonathan his nephew (son of his brother Robert) all remaining rents and issues out of the estate equally
To John, Joshua, Peggy, children of his brother Robert 3 guineas raised from estate
Four pounds equally to all the nieces and nephews of his late wife (children of Alice, late wife of James Yates of Blackburn, miller to have one share as though their mother was alive)
To Jonathan his nephew a pair of looms, a bedstead, a desk and wearing apparel.
Residue to Thomas his brother and Jonathan his nephew.
Edward Brewer and William Aspden executors
John Signed
Witnesses: William Bentley, Pierce Wolstenholme, James Wolstenholme
Probate 2 May 1792
Value of effects above £40 and under £100
Transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive.