List of Recusants 1682

North West Catholic History Society
Edited by Norman Gardner 1999

This register was compiled in accordance with the 1660 ‘Act for the better discovering and repressing of popish recusants’. The churchwardens and constables of towns were required to bring to the Quarter Sessions all the recusants who had not attended a Church of England service for a month. By the time this register was compiled it included non-conformist sects and these accounted for about 1% of the entries, but none are listed for Great Harwood. The original register is kept at the Lancashire Record Office and is in a fragile condition.
(Reference QDV/6)

Register of Recusants 1682
Harwood Magna

Robtus Quire gent £60
Johes Cunliffe husb £60
Isabella ux eius [Cunliffe] £60
Willus Mercer husb £60
Jenetta Mercer Spinster £60
Edrus Mercer husb £60
Johes Emott husb £60
Anna Bolton £60
Jenetta Bolton sptr £60
Willus Bolton shoemaker £60
Jacobus Lindley clothier £60
Johes Dewhirst tanner £60
Willus Lune husb £60

Reproduced with permission of the County Archivist, Lancashire Record Office and The Catholic Record Society.