Randle Feilden of Blackburn, Yeoman 1722

Will abstract:
To wife Mary £300 and £12 yearly
To son Henry Feilden all land and tenements in Witton and Harrison’s and Cunliffe’s tenements in Great Harwood and the house with fields known as the Old House. Also land in Blackburn and the house in Blackburn. Also lands and tenements in Darwen, and Clayton le Moors.
To son Robert Feilden land etc in Balderstone and Fatback’s Tenement in Great Harwood and tenements in Blackburn and £1000.
To daughter Catherine 5 pieces of gold.
To sister Magdalene Smalley £5.

Executor: wife Mary
Witnesses: Jn. Holme, Jos. Pickering, Thos. Greenall
Proved April 7th 1722.

©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive