Robert Feilden of Great Harwood, Yeoman 1670

Will abstract:
Yeoman of Great Harwood
Made 25th December 1670
Two messuages in fee simple in Yorkshire and Lancashire – in possession of Richard Brewer and Robert Feilden.
To James Feilden his eldest son the above tenements.
To Henry Feilden his son £50.
To Richard Feilden his youngest son £70.
To Elizabeth Feilden his daughter £40.
To Robert Feilden his second son £20.

Executor: Jenet Harwood of Altham, widow and his sister.
Witnesses: Henry Feilden, Tho. Whalley.
Robert signed.
Probate February 1671

Inventory abstract:
Inventory taken 4 January 1670 (1671) by John Feilden, James Whalley and Thomas Whalley.
Rooms listed:
Fire house
Milke house
Lower chamber
Chamber above the Stairs ?
Shoppe (in which the only goods listed are looms and implements belonging)
Out chamber
Inventory total: £72 4s 8d.

©Barbara Youds: transcribed from original held at Lancashire Archive