Robert Mercer of Great Harwood, Clothier

Will 7 December 1668.
To granddaughters Jane Ratliffe and Jane Taylor £5 each.
To Richard Ratliffe, son in law, 2s.
To Robert Mercer, godson, 4s.
Residue to Jane his wife and Grace Taylor, widow, his daughter equally.
Executors: Thomas Cockeshutt, Grace Taylor
Witnesses: Lawrence Robertshaw and John Feilden
Robert made his mark.

Inventory total: £36 0s 8d

Robert Mercer of Lower Town was buried at St. Bartholomew’s, Great Harwood on 20th March 1669.
Jane his wife was buried on 30th April 1669.

Transcription ©Barbara Youds from original held at Lancashire Archives