Lay Subsidy 1660

The Lay Subsidy of 1660 was a tax on the whole population aged 16 and over. Louie Pollard published the list for Great Harwood in her book Great Harwood Gleanings, working from a photocopy of the original document from the National Archives. Having seen the photocopy I have made some amendments to that list.

Harwood Magna 24th of September 1660

John Baron Constables
Richard Alston
Robert Duckworth

Edmond Cockshutt Assistants and Collectors
Henrie Ryley

The said Constables according to the charge given at Padiam the 19th of this Instant of divers of the Com.[missioners] mencioned in an Act of Parliam.t made in the twelfth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the 2nd of England & Intitled an Act for the Speedie Provision of money for disbanding and paying the Forces of this kingdome both by sea and land doe Certifie as touching all the p[er]sons in the said towne chargeable by the said Act as followeth

First wee have noe Barronette
Wee have noe knights
Wee have noe
Wee have noe Viccar
Wee have noe Attorneys

Upper Town
Lawrence Hindle and his wife010
Lawrence Hindle his sonne010
Mary Hindle his daughter010
James Harwood15 00 00060
Ellen, his wife006
William Wiggin and his wife010
John Kenyon, single010
James Hindle and his wife010
Thomas Feilden06 13 4028
Jane, his wife006
Henry Feilden, his sonne010
William Hindle, senior, and wife010
William Hindle, junior, and his wife010
Joan Feilden, single010
Edward Astley and his wife010
Elizabeth Astley, his daughter010
William Bloare and his wife010
Jane Chatbourne, wife of Robert Chatbourne010
Ellis Duckworth and his wife010
Raphe Guest and his wife010
Jenett Hindle, widowe010
Christopher Hindle and his wife010
Jenett Marcer, single010
Robert Duerden and his wife010
Thomas Herris and his wife010
John Peacock and his wife010
Alice Peacock, widdowe010
Alice Peacock, her daughter010
Henry Ryley and his wife010
Jennett Ryley, his daughter010
Richard Marcer, single010
Elizabeth Rawthmell, single010
Thomas Clayton and his wife010
Alice Cockshutt, single010
Thomas Astley, single010
Alexander Marcer and his wife010
John Marcer his son010
Elizabeth Marcer his daughter010
William Marcer, single010
Thomas Marcer, single010
Widdow Whittaker010
Jennet Mercer, single010
Alice Hindle, single010
John Marcer of Coldenn07 10 00030
Margerie, his wife006
Thomas Marcer}010
Edward Marcer} his sonnes010
Elizabeth Marcer}010
Alice Marcer}010
Cicily Marcer} his daughters010
William Marcer and his wife010
William Boulton and his wife010
William Boulton}010
James Boulton} his sonnes010
Jenett Boulton}010
Ellen Boulton} his daughters010
John Morley and his wife010
Richard Tompson, senior widdower010
Isabell Tompson010
Richard Tompson, Junior her sonne010
Thomas Marcer of Dean, single010
Elizabeth Marcer, widdowe010
Elizabeth Hindle, widdowe010
James Browne and his wife010
James Browne, his sonne010
Widdowe Browne010
John Browne, her sonne010
Adam Hall and his wife010
Thomas Marcer and his wife010
Grace Wilson, his servante010
Thomas Nowell05 00 00020
Issabell, his wife006
Issabell Suddell, his servante010
Nicolas Suddell and his wife010
Mary Suddell, his daughter010
William Marcer, his servante010
Lawrence Walmesley, single010
Richard Wood, his servant010
Alice Walmseley, single010
Jenett Higins ye wife of Edmond Higins006
Edward Marcer and his wife010
Mathew Tailor and his wife010
John Marsden, his apprentice010
Robert Waddington and his wife010
Raphe Hindle and his wife010
John Smalley and his wife010
William Smalley}010
John Smalley} his sonnes010
Robert Feilden05 00 00020
Cicily, his wife010
Christopher Marcer and his wife010
Richard Alston and his wife010
Edward Law and his wife010
John Prockter and his wife010
Edward Mercer, his apprentice010
John Emmott and his wife010
Raphe Eddleston and his wife010
Susan Sweetlove, single010
John Baron, widdower05 00 00020
Edmund Baron}010
Edward Baron} his sonnes010
William Baron}010
Elizabeth Baron, his daughter010
John Baron, junior05 00 00020
Marie, his wife006
Isabell Duckworth. Widdowe05 00 00020
Robert Duckworth, her sonne010
Joan Talor, her servante010
Richard Radcliffe, widdower010
Edmund Cockshutte80 00 001120
Alice, his wife006
Thomas Cockshutte40 00 000160
Mary, his wife006
Alice Cockshutte, daughter of Edmund010
William —–, his servante010
Thomas Rishton}010
Edward Hayhurst} apprentices010
Margaret Wiggesworth, his servant010
Robert Feilden13 06 08054
Cicily, his wife016
James Feilden}010
Robert Feilden} his sonnes010
Mary Hall, his servant010
Grace Feilden, widdowe05 00 00020
John Feilden and Jane his wife010
Thomas Mercer, single010
John Cunliffe and his wife010
Mary Haighton, wife of James Haighton010
John Eddleston and his wife010
Thomas Dewhurst and his wife010
Thomas Shawe and his wife010
Christopher Pollard, widower010
James Pollard and his wife010
George Pollard and his wife010
Lawrence Pollard and his wife010
Thomas Hindle and his wife010
Thomas Pickopp and his wife010
Isabell Alston, his servant010
William Almon, single man010
Robert Pollard single man010
Margaret Robertshaw, widdowe010
Lawrence Robertshaw her son010
Mary Robertshaw }010
Ann Robertshaw }her daughters010
John Marcer and his wife010
Mary Marcer, widdowe010
Robert Marcer and his wife010
Grace Marcer, his daughter010
Albin Lache and his wife010
Thomas Childers and his wife010
Isabell Childers, his daughter010
Thomas Duckworth and his wife010
John Tailor and his wife010
William Duckworth and his wife010
Ellen Gabbat, his servant010
Ann Hartley, single woman010
Henry Feilden and his wife010
William Duxbury, his servante010
Katherine Shirburne, single woman010
Mary Shirburne, single woman010
Thomas Ffoster010
Jennet Marcer010