Abstract of the Will and Inventory of Agnes Morley late of Hagsyke, Great Harwood 1734

Made 22 Aug 1727
Widow, relict of John Morley late of Haggsyke yeoman
Tenement left to her by her husband by lease of Thomas Hesketh for three lives yet in being to Ellen wife of James Mercer of Great Harwood, husbandman. Ellen to pay to John Morley son of Nicholas Morley, nephew of John Morley her husband £20 and 40s to Jonas another son.
To James Tompson of Inskip £5
To Mary wife of Richard Cunliffe of Harwood 40s
To his son Robert and Ellen, Mary, Elizabeth, Isabel and Ann 40s each
To cousin Richard Mercer of Banks in Harwood £3
To Thomas Mercer of Great Harwood and daughters Elizabeth and Mary each 40s
£5 to Poor Stock of Great Harwood
To Ann wife of John Mercer of Parke 40s
To Robert his son six sheep
To Thomas, Robert, Mary, Ellen sons and daughters of James Mercer of Parke 40s each
To Ellen wife of Nicholas Grimshaw of Wiswell 40s
To Lawrence Walmsley of Cock in Harwood and his two sons and daughter 5s each
To Widow Mary Foster of Banks in Harwood and daughter Dorothy each 10s
To Frances Clayton of Harwood bequeath the £10 which he stands indebted
To the daughter of Nicholas Morley £2

Executors: Richard Cunliffe of Banks, Robert Cunliffe his son.

Agnes made her mark.

Witnesses: John Battersby, John Dearden, Oba? Chew

Proved 13 Jan 1734
Robert Cunliffe took the oath Richard being deceased.

Inventory £56 10s 7d
Apprized 3 December 1734

Milk House
The room upstairs

John Ryleys house
In the parlour there
In the rooms upstairs
In the kitching
In the buttery

[John Riley of Harwood was buried at Altham in Jan 1734]

Digital images accessed via Family Search.


Original document held at Lancashire Archives.