Abstract of the Will and Inventory of Alexander Nowell of Harwood Magna 1722

Made 21 January 1722
‘Old and infirm’
To Alexander Smalley and John his brother sons of my daughter three pounds each – executors to take it is for the children’s use and not to be paid to their father
Residue to Alis his wife and executors to take care that she be well maintained she being old ‘and not able to do of selfe’.
At the decease of his wife remainder to be equally divided between two sons Thomas and James .

Executors James Nowell his son and James Feilden of Harwood, his wife’s relation.

Alex. Nowell (signed)

Witnesses: Lawrence Walmsley, Jane Smalley, Richard Aldred

Probate 14 February 1722[1722/23]

Taken 6 October 1722
The House
Parlor Chamber
Milk House
Total £26 18s 4d
Appraised by Roger Houghton and Richard Alldread

Alexander Nowell of Roger Hey buried at St Bartholomews Great Harwood 2 October 1722.

Digital images accessed from Family Search


Original documents held at Lancashire Archive