John Pollard of Great Harwood, Yeoman 1732/33
Will 18 March 1732/3
To nephew John Law £3
To nephew Hugh Law 10s
To nephew Ralph Law 10s
To Elizabeth Hall £3To Margt. Whitker £3
To Ellin Law £3
To Grace, daughter of his sister Grace, £3
To nephew John Law son of sister Mary (?) house, barn and backside where John Pollard lived for the remainder of the lease.
To Catherine Hindley daughter of Henry Hindle of Great Harwood, blacksmith £1
To William Bridge of Great Harwood, butcher 5s
To every poor person that attends his funeral 1p
Residue to nephew Robert Law.
Executor Robert Law, nephew
Witnesses: Henry Smalley, Nathanial Aspden, Roger Houghton
Probate granted 28th September 1733
Inventory 10 April 1733
Inventory total £49 9s
8 April 1733 John Pollard of Lower Town, Husbandman was buried at St. Bartholomew’s, Great Harwood.
Transcription ©Barbara Youds from original held at Lancashire Archives