Poor Law Accounts 1768 – 69

Fair poor book 1768
Disburst by Wm. Aspden overseer of the Poor For the Township of Great Harwood for the year of our Lord 1768
Higher Town Dr. to Wm. Aspden for last year£0 7s 4d
Sunday May 1st 1768
To Rich’d. Mercer of Kirkham£0 7s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Wid: Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Widow Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Alice Duckworth Boarded with Mr. Giles£0 5s 0d
To pd. Wm. Bentley for making _____ Cloths Duckworth Children£0 0s 8d
To Peter Whalley Wife£0 1s 0d
To a Messenger from ___ Wife Diner£0 0s 6d
8thTo James Riley this is first time£0 4s 0d
8thTo Caps Making & Cloth for Alice Duck’th.£0 0s 6d
26Jas. Riley Badly£0 3s 0d
£1 19s _d
Sunday June 5th 1768
To Wid Riley towards burying her husband & this Month pay£0 18s 0d
To Coffin and Church dues for Do.£0 8s 2d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Widow Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Alice Duckworth with Mary Giles£0 5s 0d
To Widow Rishton£0 7s 0d
To James Ffielden his Children badly£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife house Rent£0 10s 6d
To James Smith to carry him to Preston£0 0s 6d
To John Duckworth as an Apprentice ffee with Martha Duckworth £118s Ind’r. and signing 5s 6d£2 3s 6d
To Shifts for Phebe Mercer£0 1s 4d
To part of William Shuttleworth’s house Rent£0 10s 6d
£5 18s 6d
Sunday July 3rd 1768
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Alice Duckworth£0 5s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Wid: Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Richard Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid: Rishton£0 7s 0d
To P’d. Dr. on Wid. Mercer Acc’t.£0 8s 9d
To James Riley Widow£0 4s 0d
18thTo Peter Green his Wife & Children£0 2s 0d
24To horse hire and Exp’s. in going to Baxenden Whally & about Peter Green Settlement£0 2s 0d
To Phebe Mercer house Rent£0 9s 0d
30thTo Wid: Riley house Rent£1 12s 6d
To Wid: Mercer’s house Rent£0 15s 0d
£5 3s 0d
Sunday Aug.t 7th 1768
To Wid: Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Rich’d. Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid: Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Alice Duckworth£0 5s 0d
To James Riley Widow£0 6s 0d
To Tho’s. Smalley of Liverpool£0 2s 0d
To Peter Green 10 yds. of Cloth£0 8s 4d
To Part of Peter Whalleys Rent£0 8s 0d
25thTo Peter Whalley Wife£0 1s 0d
£2 15s 4d
Sunday Sept.r 4th 1768
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Wid. Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Alice Duckworth£0 5s 0d
To Wid Riley£0 6s 0d
To Wid Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Rich’d. Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Sam’s for H. Forrest to shew cause why he did not Deliver his certificate£0 1s 0d
To one Week Board with sand Lad Wife£0 3s 0d
To Ale Bread, Coffin and Church dues for Sand Lad Child & attendance£0 8s 6d
To a pair of old shoes for sand Lad Wife£0 1s 6d
£2 10s 0d
Sunday Octbr. 2nd 1768
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy: Spencer’s Wife£0 3s 0d
To William Mercer Widow£0 4s 0d
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Widow Riley£0 6s 0d
To Alice Duckworth£0 5s 0d
To Wid: Rishton£0 7s 0d
4To a Messener going to Enq’r abt. Peter Green£0 1s 0d
To Wid Brogdin of Manchester£0 2s 6d
To Rich’d Mercer new Shurst£0 5s 5d
An Old Wastcoate for Do.£0 2s 0d
20To Paid Jane Giles for 5 Weeks and one day board wages and for trouble and Attendance of sand Lad Wife£1 1s 0d
To a Gown for Peter Whalley Daug’r£0 6s 6d
To Rob’t Riley Indr’s 5/6d — & —1s 6d£0 7s 0d
£3 0s 5d
Sunday Novr. 6 1768
To Paid for Cloth for Duckworth Children which should have been in my last Acc’ts Pd. Thos. Cunliffe£0 3s 10d
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Wid Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To James Riley Wid:£0 6s 0d
To Alice Duckworth£0 5s 0d
To Peter Green by a vestry meeting£2 0s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 3s 0d
£3 18s 10d
Sunday December 4th 1768
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Wid: Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy: Spencer Wife£0 3s 0d
To Widow Riley£0 6s 0d
To Duckworth Child with blending(?)£0 5s 0d
To Cloggs for Do£0 0s 4d
To An Apprentice Fee with Rob’t Son of James Riley£3 0s 0d
To James Fielden ffamily badly in a fever£0 5s 0d
9thTo James Fielden Stil Badly£0 3s 0d
10To Peter Green towards burying his Wife£0 7s 6d
18To Exp’s part of a messenger from Manchester ab’t Wm Smalley£0 2s 0d
£5 12s 10d
Sunday January 1st 1768 (sic)
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid: Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Wid: Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer’s Wife£0 4s 0d
To Widow Riley£0 6s 0d
To Duckworth Child with Blendings(?)£0 5s 0d
To James Fielden Family
4To Mr. Kay overseer of the poor of Manchester to discharge a Bond given for a Bastard Child for Wm. Smalley Shoemaker£1 11s 6d
To Expences horse and myself and what I spent upon Mr. Kay£0 8s 6d
8thTo Peter Green Family badly£0 5s 0d
9To James Fielden ffamily since the Ninth of last Month very badly all but one£1 3s 6d
21stTo James ffielden Family since the 9th inst. badly£0 10s 6d
To a poor book Signing 2s Exp. Abt. Signing 1d£0 3s 0d
£5 18s 0d
Sunday Feby. 5th 1769
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Wid Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Wid Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Duckworth Child£0 5s 0d
To Peter Green£0 7s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer Wife£0 4s 0d
13thTo James Fielden Family from the 21st of Jany: last to this Day now better£0 11s 2 1/2d
£2 8s 2 1/2d
Sunday March 4th 1769
To Rich’d Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Widow Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Wid Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer Wife£0 3s 0d
To Duckworth Child£0 5s 0d
To peter Green£0 7s 0d
To a Note Publishing£0 0s 2d
10thTo William Shuttleworth£0 2s 0d
To a New Coat for a Child of John Duckworth’s late of Blackburn£0 3s 4 1/2d
To a S—- for Thos. Houghton J—-£0 1s 0d
£2 2s 4 1/2d
Sunday April 2d 1769
To Wid. Rishton£0 7s 0d
To Richd. Mercer£0 7s 0d
To Jeremy Spencer wife£0 3s 0d
To Phebe Mercer£0 3s 0d
To John Duckworth child£0 5s 0d
To Widow Mercer£0 4s 0d
To Peter Green£0 7s 0d
To James Smith Family badly£0 5s 0d
To Coate making for Duckworth Child£0 0s 3 1/2d
To 3 yds of 3/4 wife cloth for shift for — Bradshaw at 10d yd thread 1£0 2s 7d
To 1 3/4 of Shagg for a Wastecoat for James Bradshaw at 22d yd thred 1d£0 3s 3 1/2d
To Regester of Peter Green Children£0 0s 6d
To pair of Stays for Bradshaw —£0 4s 6d
To aprentice fee with Jas. Bradshaw£1 10s 0d
To James Bradshaw Indendures & Signing£0 5s 6d
To Exp’s in Binding ? apprentice at Different time£0 2s 4d
To a Removal Order for Heny Mercer£0 4s 0(?)d
To Thos. Cunliffe for 3 yds: of Cloth at 12d p yd for James Bradshaw Shursts£0 3s 4 1/2d
To Dr. Sale for Wid: Mercer Wid: Riley and sand Lad Wife£0 14s 2d
To Luke Green 3 Weeks Board with Peter Green Daug’r£0 3s 0d
To a pair of Breeches for James Bradshaw£0 2s 4d
To a Coate & bed Gown for Easter Bradshaw£0 5s 7d
To To Stockings Clogs brats handcerchiffs and Caps pd. Peter Brennand for Do.£ 4s 0d
To Peter Brennand as aprentice fee with Do.£2 0s 0d
To Easter Bradshaw Ind’rs£0 5s 6d
To Ellen Fowler for a Coat & Bed Gown & Cap Making for Easther Bradshaw£0 1s 4d
To Henry Hill for —- for Bradshaw Child£0 4s 0d
To Wm. Bentley for Cloths making for Bradshaw Lad£0 1s 4d
To John Livesey as aprentice fee with Green
To Peter Green as part of his Rent£0 10s 0d
To Phebe Mercer badly£0 1s 0d
23a Note publishing to Acct.£0 0s 2d
paper£0 0s 8d
a pair of Stockings for James Bradshaw£0 1s 1d
a pair of shoes for James Bradshaw£0 3s 8d
To Exp’s in Settling Acct. with Town£0 5s 0d
To Sarah Barret 5 Weeks board£1 0s 0d
£10 19s 11 1/2d
An Abstract of Each Months paymt.
May£1 19s 8d
June£5 18s 6d
July£5 3s 3d
Augt.£2 15s 4d
Septr.£2 10s 0d
Octbr.£3 0s 5d
Novr.£3 18s 10d
Decbr.£5 12s 10d
January£5 18s 0d
Feby.£2 8s 2 1/2d
March£2 2s 4 1/2d
April£10 19s 11 1/2d
Poor£52 7s 4d
Highways at sixpence _ paved£16 13s 4d
Constable£18 9s 11d
My Wages & Exp.£4 10s 0d
Out of pocket last year£0 7s 4d
Collected 14 Leys at £4 19s 3d£69 9s 6d
Rec’d of Lower Town Constable to Balance£0 3s 4 1/2d
Rec’d of Rich’d Dean overseer of Lower Town one third of the poor£17 9s 1d
To Receive from Wm. Turner for Tyth Taxes£5 3s 0d
Collected£92 4s 11 1/2d
Disburst£92 7s 11d
Town Dr to —–£0 3s 0d
April 27th 1769 the within Acct’s seen and Allowed by us
Wm. Mercer
Lawrence Walmsley
Wm. Bentley
Disburst upon the Constable Acc’t by me Wm. Aspden 1768
To Assessing Land and Window Taxes as Usual£0 5s 0d
To Instructions for Do. 1s door Keeper twice 2d£0 1s 2d
May 24thTo A Note Publishing for Militia to Appear£0 0s 2d
June 27thTo a precept £14 15s 6 1/2d Paid towards the same£9 15s 6 1/2d
Aug.t 5thTo a Militia List returning 3s/6d door 2d£0 3s 8d
Aug.t 9thTo part of a precept£1 1s 0d
To Wood for Stocks 2/6 Exp. 6d pd. Bradshaw 1s/6d£0 4s 6d
Sept.r 15To a Sunday Warrant£0 2s 1d
Octb.r 6thTo a respite for Road by Church 5s£0 5s 0d
Octb.r 6thTo Mr Grimshaw as a Treat a Bottle of Wine£0 2s 0d
Octb.r 18thTo Surveyors Instructions and vagarent wark£0 6s 1d
Octb.r 18thTo vagareents at different times£0 2s 0d
Octb.r 18thTo spt. upon Collector & Gauger£0 6s 0d
Decbr. 14To given Passingers by my wife£0 0s 6d
To a List of Militia returning£0 3s 8d
Mar. 3To a precpt£8 4s 6 1/2d
Mar. 29To passingers£0 1s 8d
To spent with Gager in order to settle him£0 1s 0d
High Town paid£18 9s 11d
Lower Town disburst£9 0s 3d
£27 10s 2d
B£9 3s 4 1/2d